Academy displaying -1 scholar to be educated.

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Academy displaying -1 scholar to be educated.

Post by Orlor » Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:35 pm

Larlis hit some of the main points.

It is to prevent people from just scholar farming each other. If you are going to scholar farm, you aren't going to be able to educate scholars (unless you buy a lot of scholarships).

Post by Cloud7274 » Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:20 pm

Answer me this. A scholar is educated from a certain number of scholarships correct. So why then do I need to buy scholarships for an ALREADY educated scholar?????? There is no logical answer to this.

Post by larlis » Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:18 am

the free means u don't need to spend the resources it cost to build it. Of course u'll need to buy the scholarships for it...
Think on this scenario; you and me are in the same guild, Im leaving the world. I educate 100 scholars in one city and i give that city to you. You now have gained a 100 free scholars. if you got them without later having to get the scholarship you would have a serious advantage, an advantage that wouldn't be completely fair don't you think..? Or even worse: I'll do that with all my 100 cities and sell you my account...
Fair play? I think not.
I think it has to do with the fact the scholarships are tied to you as a player, the scholars to the city... If you lose all your cities you'll see you still have the same scholarship level if you decide to have another go and start from scratch.

Post by Cloud7274 » Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:01 pm

I will concede and say we both have valid points.

Post by Orlor » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:24 pm

What Iarlis said is correct.

What you are getting is the free scholar (50k of each resource).

That is also correct though that you need to purchase more scholarships in order to get to the point to educate more scholars.

Post by Cloud7274 » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:14 pm

Iarlis, plz go back and listen to what u r saying. U said we get a free scholar. If that's the case then why am I having to spend resources to start educating new ones??? Think about it for just a second. I understand u can simply kill them off BUT It makes ABSOLUTELY no sense to have to earn scholarships for scholars that are ALREADY educated!

Post by larlis » Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:19 am

But people!! Listen to what Orlor is trying to explain
You gain a FREE scholar!! You dnt have to buy it w resources, what are you complaining abt???
If the scholar you gained (for FREE) is in a city and you wanna relocate it or if you don't get the scholar is FREE then just kill it... How do you kill a scholar? You send it solo (without any troops, you can send several scholars in one hit, they won't survive) at any city; a small barb, a 1K inactive... doesn't matter.
Don't see why this is such a problem... Once the scholar is dead then you are back on your previouse scholarship level...
Well, almost; you now will have lost the FREE scholar ;)

Post by Cloud7274 » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:37 am

This is a major flaw and needs to be corrected! I'm at war and need scholars in a particular area, however because I capped a city with 5 schols in it, I'm at -5 and now can't build schols in the area I'm at war. It makes no sense to have to gain the scholarships for schols that ARE ALREADY EDUCATED! Here's one for u. I have a guild mate that is inactive and sends his entire troop count to a nearby city for support while I take over his city. After I'm done he has 5 schols and roughly 4000 guards. Now I'm -5 in schols however I haven't lost any resources for the 4000 guards that I'm bringing home. something is wrong here and it needs fixing.

Post by bnyhny » Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:14 pm

I just took a city that had four scholars outside of the city which put me at a -4 for scholar's I can educate. I'm at level 30 scholarships I have to buy 150+ more scholarships before I can educate just one more scholar. With 40,000 lumber per scholarship that a pretty big task. Just because I took a city that had scholars doesn't mean those scholars are in a city that is strategically useful to me. Conquering a city with scholars should not be a penalty or even keep you at the status quo. It should be the spoils of war and a bonus. Just as if you were to conquer a city with troops outside the city- you don't end up with negative recruitment. You end up with additional troops.

Post by Orlor » Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:23 pm

You didn't have to pay the 50k of each resource or wait the 3 hours to train it. Just because the scholar count is -1 doesn't mean you have to train some imaginary scholar that you never get as a unit. It just means you need to buy more scholarships.
