New Update Good but.....

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: New Update Good but.....

Post by Mfezi » Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:54 am

You had a good thing going. I can see why some changes happened. Please show status of population as before or as a fraction to the third decimal or forth decimal.
Names of cities I conquered do not update everywhere so I cannot refer to the name I gave when using merchants to send resources between cities or for selecting cities on my map. How soon can this be rectified.
My reports do not refresh until I go to that city and drag down refresh
Now I cannot refresh as before that refresh button was marvelous do it again. Ty

Post by Astril » Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:40 am

Since posting the above message whenever I look at reports/messages it brings me back here

Post by Astril » Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:38 am

The game only notifies you that there are new guild posts if you actually look at the posts, that's useless

Post by Hoekiehoekiehoek » Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:36 am

I like the dropmenu but i am really missing the arrows next to the city. It's a lot of work now to go through and recruit troops, attack or buy scholarships.

Another issue is the top bar. I cant read the name and coords anymore. A brown bar with black letters isn't good to read.


Post by Lorddino68 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:24 pm

If u conquer a city and delete the report, I spent 40 minutes scrolling and refreshing before I came to it.....and then nearly missed it because I could not see detail that this was it with no troops, as when u now see cities in list there is no other info

With scroll u can see snapshot info of what is in that city...bring scroll arrow back...massive waste of time

How do I convert my credits to $ this is crazy, two of my guild members have said same and cannot use like this...

Post by Lorddino68 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:20 pm

Scrolling cities

Idiotic behavioural change

It now takes to get across 20 cities 4 scrolls and 40 clicks.....bring back the arrows

I have 600 cities here 220 in another and 40. &60 in the others....this is stupid behaviour, who consulted a user?

Post by Emilietx » Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:38 pm

In one world I've got 111 and in 90 I've got 1 it all sucks.

Plus I need a manual refresh since I know I have troops walking and can't see them in outgoing movement

AND I loved being able to see whole city names now it back to ... Ugh!!!!

Post by Meiwyn » Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:31 pm

Please tell me if I've missed some operation trick

Post by Meiwyn » Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:30 pm

I agree that the loss of that quick scroll through cities makes it impossible. In one world I have about 450 cities. This makes it totally impossible to manage. I can't play valor full time so unless fixed will have o give up

Post by Tat » Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:21 pm

This has to be the worst update in the history of gaming, this should be renamed to,dumb ass inc...i mean seriously you do a trial with an opt in phase and querry a sample audience.How stupid do you have to be to design an interface that takes away accessibility and makes things more happened to straight population displays?Where are the sector identifiers and city to city arrow flips?
