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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: This message cannot contain swears, phone numbers or emails.

Post by MyName999 » Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:14 am

As I ever said it, maybe a this point just add a feature showing us what words are rejected by the censorship system, in order us to find a solution (because it's REALLY ANNOYING to find which tagged city block the edition when you listed just 50 in order to launch a siege, f.e...)

Post by KMT » Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:31 am

Really interested in revamp because we are asking:
- easier multy-city management
- to fix issues of not allowed words (i can't list my cities named R22-201205...)
- faster way to see incomings
- better recruiting system
And for these requests we receive: "on the list after valor revamp"
So i am wondering about revamp and playmesh priorities.
I know... In less than 2 months we will see new features... I just would like to not see again tons of complainings about changes that exasperate our current issues and playmesh stepping back once again.
Maybe talking about these changes before you do them rather than proposing aurora's visions?

Post by Orlor » Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:52 am

WarriorGod wrote:Still no answer to fault report , still cannot post coordinates, this is really frustrating!!!

It all depends on what the text for the BB code would be. Taking a look at the censor system as a whole is something on the list for after the Valor revamp.

Post by WarriorGod » Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:13 am

Still no answer to fault report , still cannot post coordinates, this is really frustrating!!!

Post by WarriorGod » Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:12 pm

I have the same issue, yet my guild members don't seem to have the same issue

This message cannot contain swears, phone numbers or emails.

Post by Brendone » Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:05 am

But it doesn't!! Seriously one of the most frustrating things, I'll get this error all the time when trying to post a message. Usually seems to be caused by the game picking up a player id # (in the bb codes) as a phone number, which means you can't edit a message after tagging a player. It may be caused by something else, but all I know is I was listing off squad members and the ONLY thing in the messages I was posting was tagged player names and locations, and I very nearly raged my phone to pieces when it wouldn't let me post my lists. Can we get this relaxed or finessed a little bit?
