Landing time changing - amazing !!!

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Post by MyName999 » Thu Dec 12, 2013 5:14 am

For what I've seen, Valor time may be right... All attacks I've planned based on launch time, with pre-calculated travel time were right... But during the travel, times are changing (except Valor time...), so joining a siege is impossible, but using BattlePlanner and/or other tools (advertissement: as mine :-D) gives good results...

Post by sancheezy » Wed Dec 11, 2013 4:31 pm

Benfrom300 wrote:ive had attacks less than 10 minutes away that have shifted at least 2 seconds, it caused 4 of my scholars to get clipped in w345. i like to write down the land times as im sending so ican see it in front of me and say "ok this is going to go off without a hitch" and it usually does. the times shifting doesnt seem to always happen, which is why i think people have taken to calling it "valor lag"

I agree that distance doesn't seem to be the issue. More of a random occurrence. The answer from Quark is usually just "we are aware of the issue and are working on it....have larger gaps in your attack" :(

Very frustrating when planning out your perfect attack to have scholars land 2-3 second earlier. For a while I wasn't taking an SS of EVERY attack, but since this has happened a few times I screen shot everything (quite annoying when many of the times I do not need those screen shots other than just in case Valor "messes up")! If I dont I will start to wonder what went wrong or as Ben said, just go ol school pen and paper. That's always your best friend in Valor.

It does seem to happen more in GW than other worlds though...

Post by Benfrom300 » Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:02 pm

LordFirefall wrote:The precision is directly proportional to how close you are to actual land time. If you're trying to match another players time to a 3-5 second window and your land time is 10 hours away, you'll probably not be successful. If its 10 minutes from now, you will likely be successful.

ive had attacks less than 10 minutes away that have shifted at least 2 seconds, it caused 4 of my scholars to get clipped in w345. i like to write down the land times as im sending so ican see it in front of me and say "ok this is going to go off without a hitch" and it usually does. the times shifting doesnt seem to always happen, which is why i think people have taken to calling it "valor lag"

Post by LordFirefall » Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:26 am

MyName999 wrote:Lol I did the math; I think only the clock is right as during the travel, "Valor time + travel time = landing time" was false, and the result was always different...

Try it, it's fun, but it's just good to know that during an attack you can't be precise in joining a siege...

The precision is directly proportional to how close you are to actual land time. If you're trying to match another players time to a 3-5 second window and your land time is 10 hours away, you'll probably not be successful. If its 10 minutes from now, you will likely be successful.

Post by MyName999 » Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:20 am

Lol I did the math; I think only the clock is right as during the travel, "Valor time + travel time = landing time" was false, and the result was always different...

Try it, it's fun, but it's just good to know that during an attack you can't be precise in joining a siege...

Post by MyName999 » Thu May 30, 2013 5:47 am

At least that's what Quark said ...

Post by MyName999 » Thu May 30, 2013 5:47 am

LordFirefall wrote:I haven't found that to be the case (corruption due to the internal clock, that is). I agree the landing time is based on Quark's servers, but when you do the math based on launch and walk time, there is still creep.

INITIAL landing time is right, TRAVEL TIME is always right...

Landing time can change as you play, in the attack info window, at least that's what occured to me, but I didn't did the math in order to see if "CURRENT VALOR TIME" + "TRAVEL TIME" = "LANDING TIME"...

Post by LordFirefall » Wed May 29, 2013 6:21 am

MyName999 wrote:For what I understood on the answer my ticket, landing time can be corrupted due to the phone's internal clock (I was told te reinitialise the clock while Valor is opened...), but initial landing time is the real one as based on Quark's servers.

I haven't found that to be the case (corruption due to the internal clock, that is). I agree the landing time is based on Quark's servers, but when you do the math based on launch and walk time, there is still creep.

Post by MyName999 » Wed May 29, 2013 6:02 am

For what I understood on the answer my ticket, landing time can be corrupted due to the phone's internal clock (I was told te reinitialise the clock while Valor is opened...), but initial landing time is the real one as based on Quark's servers.

Travel times always are right, at least once you refreshed...


Post by LordFirefall » Tue May 28, 2013 10:01 am

Land time creep has been around for a long time. Generally, it creeps uniformly, so attacks sent around the same time creep the same amount.
