Double attacks bug

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Post by Wildmanweber » Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:59 am

A further clue about my double reports...

I notice that since the latest upgrade, I only get reports from a given city when I switch focus to that city. Tonite for an experiment, I ran my farming runs from one city at a time - problem does NOT happen. Conclusion: the problem is related to swapping back and forth between cities while farming.

Oh, and I also never let my reports stack up before reading them, when I was getting double reports I would let them pile up and read them afterwards.

Post by MechaStorm » Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:12 pm

it happenened to me when i was capping a city. i got 2 scholar hits for one scholar. it was the bump i needed. i got lucky
i dont know what this bug is but playmesh should fix it

Post by Wildmanweber » Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:08 pm

Not the actual number of troops, but I'm getting double the attack reports, so it appears the attacks are double hitting. First attack report shows correct, then second shows no loot grabbed, and returning troop reports in rally spot shows no loot on double reported hits.

Post by Jothemaster » Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:42 pm

Are your troop totals doubling each time.

Double attacks bug

Post by Wildmanweber » Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:40 pm

When I send out 20+ attacks to dead cities, I am getting double reports on many of them and it appearsthegame is thinking I have sent two separate attacks.

The problem with this is that the second attack isn't getting any loot as the city is now freshly emptied, and in troop movement, my original attackers are coming home empty.
