New update bugs

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Post by Orlor » Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:35 am

On almost every screen if you swipe down when at the top of the page it will refresh the page. For example go into your city hall and then swipe down in the middle where the buildings are listed. This will refresh Valor instead of having to use the button in the upper right.

Post by opus2 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:33 am

I am running Valor 2.1.1 on iPad. It's supposed to have a pull-down refresh feature, but I can find it. Not documented, and from what I can tell there is no difference in refresh functionality from previous versions. What am I missing?

Post by JGree » Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:05 am

*! Meant to be ?

Post by JGree » Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:05 am

W83? What's your guild!

Not much of a bug but the pull and refresh does absolutely nothing. If I have 20000k p on R22.001, why does my guild list say I have 18500? When used, it refreshed nothing.

Post by Gwynbleidd » Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:37 am

i must agree with jim, ive been playing since w53 with Graphical city and the crashes were present but not too frequent. even in w66 things seemed fine, but i left for a while and i came back to w83 and it crashes every 5 mins. i send mails or reply to threads coz every time it crashes everything ive typed goes for a toss. just updated and it isnt much better. you guys are awesome and have made one of the best games ive ever known pls dont let it slip away :(

Post by Orlor » Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:28 pm

The main issue causing the ipad crashes should be resolved in our next update.

The time till that update won't be too long.

The temporary solution of turning off the GCO in the settings menu still is what I suggest for now.

Thanks for your patience till that update is released.

New update bugs

Post by » Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:08 pm

Before, Valor on my iPad would crash within seconds after pushing the city-name button in the upper left-hand corner -- regularly in W77 and frequently in other worlds. With e new update, it crashes immediately in all worlds under the same circumstances. Congratulations on eliminating lag-time on the crashes and regularizing them across worlds! Most of the pleasure that I derive from Valor lies in the feeling of anticipation that I get as I wait for it to load. With this new update, I look forward to spending at least as much time waiting to reload Valor as I do playing the game. Thanks!
