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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: map

Post by FlyDaddy » Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:16 am

I tried it. It made my phone catch on fire and sent inappropriate texts to all of my female coworkers, thus, getting me fired from my job.

No, just kidding!

It worked. No change to my city (ie: I didn't come back and find that I'm starting over from square one) and the map loaded normally!

Appreciate it!!

Post by Baphometh » Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:38 pm

I had the same issue with the map not wanting to load. If it didn't crash as soon as I went to the map then it would take forever to load and then crash. I was having to farm from the Reports Inbox. Valor had become almost unplayable. I was at my wits' end on the verge of giving up my Valor time in exchange for an all out assault on Orlor's mail box. While saying my good-byes to my guild and preparing to set out on my blitzkrieg of mass mailings, I received the inspired direction that was needed to quickly and easily put an end to the map not loading.

Although reinstalling Valor would probably work, it is not necessarily necessary.

How To Fix (HTC Evo 4G)
Manage applications
Clear data

**Side Effects**
All of your Valor Settings will be reset
All of your Reports will be unread.
All of your Guild's Forum will be unread.

But your map will load faster than you have ever had it load before.

Post by MyName999 » Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:40 am

Try to reinstall Valor.


Post by eaglejhh » Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:50 am

Cannot load map it restarts app
