Worst patch ever!!!!

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Worst patch ever!!!!

Post by 3kill » Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:55 am

SO SILLY to switch from city to city.
Can you just add in a arrow for quick switch to next city !!!!
Silly patch.

Post by Lordchubbs » Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:43 am

Is play mesh hiring? I can fix this in three seconds. It starts by firing the whole staff, go back to the last update, and fix the bugs that make this game awful. Fixed.

Post by Juditha » Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:58 am

attacks are out, war is going on, have all together 600 cities and can just sit and write in forum and don't play a game.
nice playmesh.

Post by Koology » Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:51 am

Hahaha or to buy gold and use it to get them left and right arrows back.

This is the stupidest update EVER!!!

Post by Xanion » Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:58 am

Soulman wrote:WORST PATCH EVER!!!!. So bad I joined the forums to complain about it. Any good reason to remove the navigation arrows to switch between cities? Now I have to use the portal to switch cities....?? Awful. But thank god 1/3 of the new top bar is allocated for gold purchases. Now I know these guys have totally sold out. They have literally taken away a navigation tool that has been there from the start. To what end??? More gold ??? Haven't had to buy gold in about 12 months, guess what... Not going to need any any time soon. Bad move Valor. Extremely bad move

Perhaps if you buy gold you get the navigation buttons back??? ;-)

Worst patch ever!!!!

Post by Soulman » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:03 pm

WORST PATCH EVER!!!!. So bad I joined the forums to complain about it. Any good reason to remove the navigation arrows to switch between cities? Now I have to use the portal to switch cities....?? Awful. But thank god 1/3 of the new top bar is allocated for gold purchases. Now I know these guys have totally sold out. They have literally taken away a navigation tool that has been there from the start. To what end??? More gold ??? Haven't had to buy gold in about 12 months, guess what... Not going to need any any time soon. Bad move Valor. Extremely bad move
