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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Truce

Post by bananabandana » Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:07 pm

BradPhillips wrote:Ok lordfirefall I accept your argument, you have made a good point. I am a veteran of this game and do love it. However recently have had quite a few technical problems in game so I have become quite frustrated. FYI In the two and a half years that I've been playing I have spent several thousand dollars to support this game. I just don't like truce! That is all :-)

Just as a bit of a consolation to your BradPhillips, I'll let you know that there's some stuff upcoming in the game, where Truce will be utterly powerless[B][/B].

Post by BradPhillips » Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:46 pm

Ok lordfirefall I accept your argument, you have made a good point. I am a veteran of this game and do love it. However recently have had quite a few technical problems in game so I have become quite frustrated. FYI In the two and a half years that I've been playing I have spent several thousand dollars to support this game. I just don't like truce! That is all :-)

Post by LordFirefall » Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:55 am

@Brad - I'm sensing by your responses that you're not particularly interested in hearing ways to deal with truce, so I'm replying more for the benefit of others. If you are interested, read on.

Truce has been around long before they did away with chaos, so your last argument doesn't hold water. Truce costs between $2.00 and $2.50, depending on how much gold you buy. Assume at least 1 person per world uses it, each day. At 108 worlds, that's $78-98k a year. Any idea what a good programmer or QA person commands for salary in the Bay Area? The very real implication of doing away with truce means PlayMesh has less money to spend on programmers and other staff.

While I personally don't like truce, I deal with it. As I write this, I've just launched on an opponent who used truce to escape my guild's relentless onslaught, for a brief 24 hours. It merely delayed his demise by 48 hours - time enough to rebuild more offensive troops.

Before you again complain about PlayMesh trying to make money off a great game (and kill yet another electron on exclamation points), ask yourself one thing. When was the last time you spent money to support this game?

Post by Orlor » Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:21 am

BradPhillips wrote:All it is, is a replacement for chaos!!!! Playmesh preached how much they hated chaos!!! But instead of doing away with it they replaced it with a moneymaker called TRUCE!!!! What say you playmesh?????

Chaos is something that people were able to keep up for weeks at a time. Truce is something that can buy a player at most 24 hours before you are able to destroy them.

My suggestion is to build more troops while you wait, then destroy them even more.

Post by BradPhillips » Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:41 am

All it is, is a replacement for chaos!!!! Playmesh preached how much they hated chaos!!! But instead of doing away with it they replaced it with a moneymaker called TRUCE!!!! What say you playmesh?????

Post by Jackhamer » Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:22 am

I would bet that it is the single most bought item in the game.

But you sir must learn how to beat truce. You should generally have an idea of when it will end, then get ready and pound them.

Post by LordFirefall » Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:43 pm

I'd venture a guess that its one of their top money makers. I doubt they will get rid of it any time soon.

Post by BradPhillips » Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:07 pm

I hate it with a passion!!!! Playmesh you need to get rid of this

Post by LordFirefall » Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:28 am

Consider this. With the 24 hour cooling off period, you now have a period where you know your opponent will not be able to truce. Also, during the truce, they can't send support. Most times, it merely delays their demise by a day.

Post by korey27 » Fri Nov 16, 2012 12:08 am

Or possibly limited per account, per world.. Its a nice tactic to use if you need that 24 hours, but I do agree it does ruin a little bit of the game play if someone uses it constantly.. You could add a feature if someone does use it and there is attacks out they should automatically have their units turn around instead of on many occasions people losing scholars cause they cant send clearing waves in front of it.
