New update complaint list...... Naturally

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Expand view Topic review: New update complaint list...... Naturally

Post by AceDragon » Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:40 pm

I tried to get gold from playmesh to change my city names or reset it so I can change them without them giving me gold, I have 1020 or so cities, just so i could rename them to get to them faster. That would be a lot of gold.
They told me not to worry an update to make finding a city easier is on the way. The update came and now it takes me a lot longer to get to a city.
Like I can remember all the city names and what region they are in. I think they may be going a little loopy at the playmesh building.
Want my portal view back!!!
City side bar resetting all the time is making me mad!!!

Post by KMT » Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:06 pm

i do use simply r22-233,256 for city in 233,256. no names, simply coords.
but this is not the point:
- changing 100 cities names means you spend 500 gold. i think it's not correct to ask us gold to change a city name. not for first name, not if i want to change it 10 times. it should be free.
- new features should not make us to change our way in naming cities: they should find a way for us to play easily using the names we chose. i use coords but it's my personal choice.

Post by Medigrunt » Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:03 pm

I have found a quick solution for the soon to be large players.
I have named my cities the obvious "42" or whatever region first to consolidate as most have. It allows faster indexing. Right after the region, I have added the sub coordinate to allow me to reference 100 blocks at a time.
For example: "4257 whatever" would reference a city in 45x,27x. It allows me to swipe to the nearest city as well.
Changing the names on 100 cities would be a pain to say the least, but this could be a temporary solution until Valor can find a system for you to Reference regions.
I believe it would be a great idea for the portal to provide a "world map" that showed a rough view of diplomacy you would click in a region to see the cities. The sidebar still intact for quick referencing.

Post by Hsnzsy » Mon Dec 10, 2012 10:36 am

This new worlds.. Says 5k and/or 1k. Whats that mean? And why they only consist one region (R0)?

i created separated thread from this one and i havent been replied yet, unfortunately.

This latest update is Beta in my opinion. And we are not your testers here. We would like to play this game even if its too time consuming because we liked it. Nonetheless, this latest release with new problems beyond old problem makes me very disappointed lately.

Ive played lots of game in my lifetime and ive never seen that kinda problematic game too. Im sorry but this is the truth.

I refused to be your beta tester and we are considering to quit valor completely. So please hurry and exclude us as your Beta Tester. Thats not ethical you implement new things with new problems while existing problems still occur.

Best regards,
W92 - The Navus Uniteds' Founder.

Post by Pontiacguy » Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:33 am

Spot on , and why is resorces in so small letters? It's hard to see ,
Why is money button same size as your city name? With long name it is cut of
Why can't I show city point I city hall you need to check city list to se how many point a city have or scroll up and down to see what's needed to build , it's hard to keep track of what city need rebuild or not
Where can I see how many cities I have like in old bar, you have a new status with points but not city count
You need to fix issue to find what city that have incomings it take one hour with new swipe to go thrue every city to find it.
If you are in like your no 350 cities and valor crash ( yes that happens) when you go back you need to click load cities many times to get to that city
Give us a refresh all city button a ones I dont care if it takes 10 min to refresh all it's still better than how it's now

Many issues are old and still not fixed , but you launch new things instead

And why have you put 5 gold to change names on Newley conquered cities ?

Post by Bantha » Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:12 pm

Agreed! I did find if you go to settings you can turn off the new top bar and go back to the old appearance, but having to go by coord's instead of listing what realm that city is in is ridiculous!

Post by AceDragon » Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:16 pm

I second that KMT.

Post by KMT » Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:28 pm

We are not asking for comments, we are asking you to fix issues we have when we play. Issues that are really annoyng us. some of these issues are not new ones but you preferred to launch w100, change bar, change recruiting window, introduce speed worlds, new features in new worlds, trial by swords,... can you please check old posts? When did we ask for an easy way to buy scholarships? To do boring city management? To reduce lags? To be able to know exactly the number of incomings, not just 99+? To be able to go to the city under attack without checking all cities?
I am still here waiting for that. I had no time to try beta and i have no time to play in new worlds. I have my cities in my old worlds to take care and i do waste already too much time to do it every single day.

So please, do not comment this thread! Just fix our big issues and please do it quick. Thx

Post by Orlor » Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:13 pm

tskk wrote:But keep in mind, the effectiveness of grabbing the playmesh employee's attention and feedback wears off after the first page or two. Or at least it seems that way. So keep commenting on this and make it explode.

Just because something isn't commented on directly doesn't mean it doesn't have our attention.

Now that Trial by Sword has been released, a lot of the issues that are being brought up in this thread are next up for change.

Post by tskk » Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:21 am

Nice thread indeed. I was thinking of creating something like this.
But keep in mind, the effectiveness of grabbing the playmesh employee's attention and feedback wears off after the first page or two. Or at least it seems that way. So keep commenting on this and make it explode.

As for the new update, the complaints i had has already been stated by other players.
-Update lag
-Slow map update
-management of large number of cities
- etc.
