Upcoming worlds

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Post by Benfrom300 » Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:45 am

KingEvo wrote:was wondering how do i get the lion of valor thing? not a scrub and just wondering lol

also i love the new world types if you thought you were good in the old worlds then try a new one and get better with the game.

Actually, here is a more direct link so you dont get lost, http://valorgame.com/valorwiki/valor-worlds/quark-titles/lion-of-valor/

good luck becoming a lion =)

Post by Benfrom300 » Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:43 am

KingEvo wrote:was wondering how do i get the lion of valor thing? not a scrub and just wondering lol

also i love the new world types if you thought you were good in the old worlds then try a new one and get better with the game.

Go to: http://valorgame.com/wiki/quark-titles/1562-2/

Post by KingEvo » Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:09 pm

was wondering how do i get the lion of valor thing? not a scrub and just wondering lol

also i love the new world types if you thought you were good in the old worlds then try a new one and get better with the game.

Post by Deinera » Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:45 pm

Can you play the new barb worlds from an android device?

Post by Kimakaze77 » Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:09 pm

But of course John. Wouldn't have it any other way.

Post by fortheLOVE » Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:53 pm

Mike, I expect you to be with us in one of the new smaller worlds after w110 is complete. =)

Post by Poppie » Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:56 am

I am disappointed Hearing the new standards is not very appealing

Post by Kimakaze77 » Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:08 pm

Actually, the smaller worlds sound much better. The massive worlds always ended up having a ton of people become inactive. I'll try one after I finish w107 and w110.

Post by The00Drew » Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:45 pm

Aha. Thanks.
I'll name my current world : Drewopolis

Post by PwnLaw » Fri Dec 21, 2012 5:29 pm

bananabandana wrote:1k worlds have a maximum population of 1000 players with a guild cap of 25 members.

5k worlds have a maximum population of 5000 players with a guild cap of 50 members.

Both types share the single of objective of 1 guild left standing (i.e. 1 guild conquers all Lord-type cities in the world). So, if you imagined an even spread between guild members, at the end of a world each member of a 50-member guild in a 5k world would have about 100 Lord-type cities. Each member of a 25-member, 1k world would have about 40.

Play-wise, 5k worlds are very packed with lots of action compared to old worlds. Consider 5k worlds the entry level of the new way of Valor: early-game action with lots of tension.

1k worlds are EVEN MORE packed with tons of action compared to 5k worlds. Consider 1k worlds the veteran level of the new way of Valor.

Worlds are being created ever couple days now, so a traditional naming convention would just become highly difficult to organize, plus the majority of players referred to their worlds by number anyway. If you'd like to give a nickname to your world, you are welcome to do so.

Also, 1k worlds DO NOT have new players routed to them. They're all people playing on at least their second world. It's sort of the professional Valorian world. 5k worlds have new players.
