Guild world

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Post by MyName999 » Tue Mar 19, 2013 6:39 am

Several of my friends became friends knowing me as we battled each against other...

I created a sisterguild when I found the crown that sieged me weeks in another world, ... Fighting with respect gives fun to everyone, I like being attacked as I like to attack, and will never being angered by the one that kills me. It's a game!!!

And as when we play card with friends, it's against them too, and all of we have fun

Post by KingEvo » Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:45 pm

toro message me your kakao

Post by Crusader6 » Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:06 am

Its not a game

True, however at the end of the day, you have to enjoy it to play, there is no sense playing something in your free time that you do not enjoy. Me I can sack a friends city and carry on, as long as we went in the world understanding that. I don't like the snakes and weasels that have popped up lately.

Post by lIIITOR2010IIll » Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:16 pm

I think most of us forget it's a game before all. I know that people spend ton of gold in this game and that's understandable they are upset about this guild world. But after all we are here to have fun and have good time, and what I know is we'll keep having fun in this game no matter what even if we are upset sometimes.

Post by DirtySouthATL » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:36 pm

i'm sorry................. it spun out of control. people read into it more than it should have been. i was simply wanting quark to stick to what they'd told us to begin with. i don't even want to be in gw1.... i'm on the list and have no desire to be in there. fark is used to fighting his friends as are you mason. i however do not find joy in fighting players that i've known since i started valor.

Post by Krumbz613 » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:11 pm

Wow.. old signature. ahh that feels better

Post by Krumbz613 » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:08 pm

Dieformason wrote:So I noticed a lot of players saying that they will refuse to attack their own members in the guild versus guild world. I think that is making you look like you actually think you're going to win with all 50 members alive and active at the end of the world. You got to remember that this isn't just some regular 1k world where there are maybe 4-7 alive and active guilds. This is the best of the best and they didn't get into this world by diplomacy. You will lose members no matter what guild you are. People might have quit valor since your world won or are focused on other things at the time.

To those who are saying that their amount of members is unfair to the other 25 member guilds. You have been given a list of every person who has won a world already. You should be able to spot friends who have won and will be going in. I can tell you for certain guilds will be allied up before even entering the world. So the number of members hardly matters.

I don't think that anyone has an advantage here so quit trash talking the admins about how stupid they are and how you'll refuse to fight your sister guild! Are you kidding me? I'd love to fight my friends, in fact I will be. They are all strong players and I'm looking forward to it.

Very well said and I agree 100%! fighting friendlys is always fun. impossible to maintain a dedicated roster from world to world due to RL kicking in (stupid real life!!!). no matter the sides, i look forward to getting to play in a real world of truely dedicated players!

Post by Dieformason » Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:26 pm

Aethlstan wrote:Lol. I would agree with all of you but i dont want to sound like a homicidal maniac. I dont see how drama can be avoided, but if you guys can kill your friends without it id say go right ahead! Lol

My friends and I would cuss each other out but we would all be laughing behind our iPhone screens.

Post by Aethlstan » Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:59 am

Lol. I would agree with all of you but i dont want to sound like a homicidal maniac. I dont see how drama can be avoided, but if you guys can kill your friends without it id say go right ahead! Lol

Post by Dieformason » Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:07 pm

MyName999 wrote:Thx for the clever remarks Dieformason...

I myself look forward to play in this world, even if it's not the perfect one that I would like to have (and my perfect isn't yours, and yours isn't his, ...)

And if case occur, as I always fought against my ennemies with respect, I'll do the same with my friends and it'll be best honour being capped by them compared than by another unknown player ;-)

I feel the exact same way! Killing a friend is way more exciting;D
