Stop teasing us

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Post by MyName999 » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:13 am

I believe that I can play Valor again.

I believe a problem occured, and concerned people corrected it.

I believe Quark learned about this and that it'll never happens again.

I believe Quark's trying his best to solve each issues.

Iiiiiiiiii belieeeeeeve Iiiiii can flyyyyyyyy ;-p

Post by mclueppers2 » Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:46 pm

Odie1993 wrote:I was able to get on a little this morning and I had lost 20+ cities and the last reports in my messages were from March 30th. Hope this does not mean they are restoring from a period that far back and do not expect to get a closer back up uploaded

This must be a mistake. According to the official statement no player data has been lost during the failure. Contrary the rumour is that they actually got nearly 85% of their server space data erased and need to restore from one full and 10 consecutive incremental backups. You can best decide what to believe into - your eyes or the news release.

Post by DirtySouthATL » Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:43 pm

why did i make this thread?

*kicks self in *****

Post by Odie1993 » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:52 pm

I was able to get on a little this morning and I had lost 20+ cities and the last reports in my messages were from March 30th. Hope this does not mean they are restoring from a period that far back and do not expect to get a closer back up uploaded

Post by LordFirefall » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:49 pm

Kingaddis wrote:I'm glad you just brought that up kalm, I was just about to rip fire a new one!

Old worlds or prob quit
Miss farming ppl and having them cry

New worlds = no farming and all about how much gold u spend. And before any of you say you can farm in new worlds- For a day and city disappears and by that time all barbs are capped and ur saying sh*t I need res booster.
It's for gold users

Old is for players that grind to victory
The ONLY thing that has stopped me to actually quit is kakao.
But if I find a game tonight that is remotely close to valor, that's it for me. And that's from 180-200 other players too.
Well done quark! Give yourselves a clap, you truly ****ed up this time! Money got to your brains instead of thinking about the product and what the REAL valor players wanted.
Will I be gone? Most of you will hope, we will see.

We make suggestions to Quark - they take some and others they don't. As far as ripping in to me... Oh the horror... To have someone attempt to rip into me via the Internet. How will I survive?

Post by Kingaddis » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:41 pm

I'm glad you just brought that up kalm, I was just about to rip fire a new one!

Old worlds or prob quit
Miss farming ppl and having them cry

New worlds = no farming and all about how much gold u spend. And before any of you say you can farm in new worlds- For a day and city disappears and by that time all barbs are capped and ur saying sh*t I need res booster.
It's for gold users

Old is for players that grind to victory
The ONLY thing that has stopped me to actually quit is kakao.
But if I find a game tonight that is remotely close to valor, that's it for me. And that's from 180-200 other players too.
Well done quark! Give yourselves a clap, you truly ****ed up this time! Money got to your brains instead of thinking about the product and what the REAL valor players wanted.
Will I be gone? Most of you will hope, we will see.

Post by Kalm » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:21 pm

No king, a group of us got it through various ways and as far I know know none of the Lions work for Quark - even if in firefalls case you could be forgiven for thinking so lol

Post by LordFirefall » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:20 pm

Kingaddis wrote:
Just curious, do you guys that have the special badge make any suggestions/contributions to valor's direction?

GuildMasters and Lions do, yes.

Post by Kingaddis » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:14 pm

LordFirefall wrote:While I don't work for Quark, I've been in positions for 25+ years, where I've had to deal with people making demands, that if they were on the other side of the equation, would seem quite unreasonable. Also, as others have pointed out, you've done nothing but whine in most of your posts.

And no, Lions and GuildMasters do not receive "in-game extras". We do a lot of this because we love the game and want to support the overall community.

Just curious, do you guys that have the special badge make any suggestions/contributions to valor's direction?

Post by LordFirefall » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:12 pm

mclueppers2 wrote:Law: I'd suggest to make the game paid only. This way you can save Quark from bankruptcy.

Greyhigh: impossible. Law just explained you why.

Mcluepper - this entire back and forth with you reminds me of conversations with a clueless kid. One frame of reference and no clue about the bigger picture.
