Hey Admin......... Or Quark

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Expand view Topic review: Hey Admin......... Or Quark

Post by Eklavya » Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:52 am

@Quark this is a team of players who has been able to work well enough to live through a amazingly difficult world without any casualties. They deserve a medal just to be able to do that. Good job on this world and 160 guys, was talking to asathor so i might join you sometime hopefully...

But seriously quark like arab pointed out go back to your roots and give us back the game we loved, this is the best war strategy game i have ever played... please dont make your loyal players who sprung this game up for you and increased its influence leave it for some $$$

Post by matiusky » Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:11 pm

I'm actually having more fun with this forum thread than I did with the game LMFAO!!

Post by KingOfSin » Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:18 am

DirtySouthATL wrote:Thank you Chris. Their pocket book is hurting a wee bit considering the "big spenders" haven't spent a dime in three weeks now. They won't be receiving a dime of that in GW4 either because we are all too busy/annoyed to do it all over again.
You know better than the rest how many guilds were after us at once. You know that it was non stop fighting for us from week one of that world. *thanks to sniper no sniping*. It's not like our gold spending helped us prevent people from plotting and attacking. I mean we didn't lose a single player. That has nothing to do with our spending.
I could rant about this forever, but it's pointless.

As far as us being generous giving the bottom 25 a medal, that's just how we are. We realize the short comings in our guilds. We realize that not everyone can be as active as the others. Hell, we had players getting married, we had players having kids, we had players taking final exams in college all while Guild World was taking place. We couldn't control those things. They are actually some of our better players when they are able to play full time. They are very loyal players and have always been the first to support, or throw troops in the past.

Was in the middle of finals myself so I know how that goes. You guys are crazy if you think I won't bug you to hell about coming back to play GW4! You guys were just about the only thing that made the world fun for me since no one else could cap me even though I was my only support!

Post by MyName999 » Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:22 am

Kingaddis wrote:Yep I agree, chaos was the best, it was a tactic if used right could win you certain battles and even worlds.
It saved my ass a few times lol.
The reason I believe playmesh changed that was bc no-1 would pay gold for truce.
Chaos was better and involved dedication and teamwork

It was an exploit, and Quark is trying to disable all exploit...

Chaos was a great way to protect the weak or our target from others attacks, locking captures even with 25h scholar walks... But it was an exploit, and I'm happy it disappeared. Any normal guild was able having an organised Chaos room, and this killed the game.

As for the negative scholarship exploit that multiple-account users are still using (or players that quit a wolrd and only stay to switch between 2 cities giving all their past scholars to their guildmates...)

I'm ok with the exploit disabling, and I don't miss chaos

Post by Kingaddis » Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:18 am

DirtySouthATL wrote:I adore your broken English!

Man......... I don't even know how long I've been playing not that you bring up your first world. I know I started way before you, so I've apparently spent over two years in this game. I guess Quark doesn't appreciate the players that got them to where they are today. I'm fine with letting the newbs fight it out in these TBS worlds. It's really funny to watch them. Had they been around for worlds where chaos worked they wouldn't know what to do. They'd freak out and leave the game if they were ever put into chaos by the enemy.

Yep I agree, chaos was the best, it was a tactic if used right could win you certain battles and even worlds.
It saved my ass a few times lol.
The reason I believe playmesh changed that was bc no-1 would pay gold for truce.
Chaos was better and involved dedication and teamwork

Post by DirtySouthATL » Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:34 pm

Asathor wrote:Haha soooo funny I got censored oh **** again? 

I adore your broken English!

Man......... I don't even know how long I've been playing not that you bring up your first world. I know I started way before you, so I've apparently spent over two years in this game. I guess Quark doesn't appreciate the players that got them to where they are today. I'm fine with letting the newbs fight it out in these TBS worlds. It's really funny to watch them. Had they been around for worlds where chaos worked they wouldn't know what to do. They'd freak out and leave the game if they were ever put into chaos by the enemy.

Post by Asathor » Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:31 am

Haha soooo funny I got censored😄😄😄 oh **** again? 😱

Post by Asathor » Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:30 am

Thx 4 the support guys. Quark response and told us they don't give a ****. They say they don't change the rulz of a running world. Fine. They changed it b4 original it was 50 player 1k 4 5k worlds.
We anounced our stand be4. They Dident listen- but at least they react now.

So hey congrats. Most of the guardians go to play different games. Tribe wars or other stuff is in the try out...

As far it goes to me. I maybe play a last world after a break. But at the moment I'm just done. After 2years this is just the last disappointed that I want to take... Who ever play a while know exactly about what I talk- if u remember maybe how hard u worked 4 a diamond- and how long it hold... Diamonds are 4 ever doesent match here, eh? So as I say. The guild world stuff is just a last add on 4 a long list. And I can't remember to set up this time as a betha tester... So I wish u all a save and long live-

Greetings Asathor
Crown since W45, proud Guardian Crown since W65

Post by DirtySouthATL » Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:36 am

CorranHalcyon wrote:The funny thing about this standoff is that we as guild still stand as one. We really don't give a damn if we get the win. The principles we stand for and team we built are stronger. Sure there are people in our guild I don't like and if I saw them in another world I'd cap them in a second, but as for this world, we stand as one. To everyone who follows in the guild worlds, your welcome, thanks to us and our steadfast refusal to cap each other till we are at 25, they (Quark) changed the rules. Long rule the Guardians!

Gee........... i wonder who you could be thinking. lol

Post by DirtySouthATL » Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:35 am

KingOfSin wrote:I honestly say you guys are being generous giving the bottom 25 a medal, as they didn't contribute even half of what the top 25 did. Regardless you guys won and left us to face impossible diplo conditions to overcome you guys, which obviously didn't happen. You won the world as the full guild you qualified with and therefor be awarded accordingly. The phrase "Don't bite the hand that feeds" comes to mind.

Thank you Chris. Their pocket book is hurting a wee bit considering the "big spenders" haven't spent a dime in three weeks now. They won't be receiving a dime of that in GW4 either because we are all too busy/annoyed to do it all over again.
You know better than the rest how many guilds were after us at once. You know that it was non stop fighting for us from week one of that world. *thanks to sniper no sniping*. It's not like our gold spending helped us prevent people from plotting and attacking. I mean we didn't lose a single player. That has nothing to do with our spending.
I could rant about this forever, but it's pointless.

As far as us being generous giving the bottom 25 a medal, that's just how we are. We realize the short comings in our guilds. We realize that not everyone can be as active as the others. Hell, we had players getting married, we had players having kids, we had players taking final exams in college all while Guild World was taking place. We couldn't control those things. They are actually some of our better players when they are able to play full time. They are very loyal players and have always been the first to support, or throw troops in the past.
