Guild master

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Post by Lllord50 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:39 pm

Ednolb wrote:Reading back on this thread I am a little disappointed in how some people are carrying themselves in reply to their Nom not being selected - Not to be rude, but, if whomever nom me acted out that way I would be a little embarrassed. For others I can understand the varying concerns.

To reply to the posts, here's How I see it..

This is a Quark title and this is how they deem fit a Guild Master, so I will respect that. However, I was as well a bit disappointed when I saw that the current Guild Masters had a part in the deciding factor, I was not part of the process so I cannot speak on the matter but thinking realistically; we have 400 worlds to run across those 10 GM and prove our worth, thats not a favorable odd. I do wish that noms would have been solely based off of quark decision and through same process as the first set of guild masters. Not because of popularity but because it gives it more of that prestige that the first set had.

I've been playing since world 6 and though I haven't run across the majority of GM in panel, I have had the privilege to make some great friends out of this game and play many worlds leading. I would be lying if I said I didn't want GM, as I work my butt off for my team (I was literally in GW8 opping in a tanning bed today and a shower last night - #Addiction) but if I was to win, I wanted it fair and square. If people took it upon themselves to vote and I got GM I deserved it, If I had to petition my way there I didn't deserve it. I am glad Quark emphasized that they used quality of submissions.

For me to not get GM is okay because I was a fortunate one to make the top 30 or so. In my eyes, that already makes me obtain that honor and prestige that a GM has, just don't have the popularity and medal to show for it. I think all true candidates for Guild Masters should have this same view of the title and process and shouldn't be complaining. My men took it upon themselves to vote for me and Quark saw me as a top leader. So I not only congratulate the New Guild Masters I also congratulate all of the players who made top of quarks list - because that itself is a privilege. 43/1700 - I'll take it. (beer)(beer)

Ed for Lion. Rawr. :D

I don't log into here much, as time is difficult but I think u said it best. I was honored to have my members think enough to nominate me. And even more so to have been picked in the final 50 or so. However the selection process is done I think most feel as though the ones who got it deserved it. No point in rehashing why someone didn't. It's a game with players from all over the world. I know how hard it is making decisions is at the end of worlds, so magnify that 100 fold on this. Just enjoy it.

Thanks for the opportunity lord50

Post by DarkRahl » Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:27 am

Angusandnico wrote:I have had the pleasure of playing with DR in a world. Not only is he an awesome crown, but a lot of fun and so easy to deal with. I'd work with him again in a heart beat. Except DR we would still have to fight over custody of stram lol. Congratulations Hunt and to all the new GMs

Aww thanks Angus ;)
And Stram has UTD DNA I'm sure of it. We had a paternity test done 😜

Post by Ednolb » Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:04 am

Reading back on this thread I am a little disappointed in how some people are carrying themselves in reply to their Nom not being selected - Not to be rude, but, if whomever nom me acted out that way I would be a little embarrassed. For others I can understand the varying concerns.

To reply to the posts, here's How I see it..

This is a Quark title and this is how they deem fit a Guild Master, so I will respect that. However, I was as well a bit disappointed when I saw that the current Guild Masters had a part in the deciding factor, I was not part of the process so I cannot speak on the matter but thinking realistically; we have 400 worlds to run across those 10 GM and prove our worth, thats not a favorable odd. I do wish that noms would have been solely based off of quark decision and through same process as the first set of guild masters. Not because of popularity but because it gives it more of that prestige that the first set had.

I've been playing since world 6 and though I haven't run across the majority of GM in panel, I have had the privilege to make some great friends out of this game and play many worlds leading. I would be lying if I said I didn't want GM, as I work my butt off for my team (I was literally in GW8 opping in a tanning bed today and a shower last night - #Addiction) but if I was to win, I wanted it fair and square. If people took it upon themselves to vote and I got GM I deserved it, If I had to petition my way there I didn't deserve it. I am glad Quark emphasized that they used quality of submissions.

For me to not get GM is okay because I was a fortunate one to make the top 30 or so. In my eyes, that already makes me obtain that honor and prestige that a GM has, just don't have the popularity and medal to show for it. I think all true candidates for Guild Masters should have this same view of the title and process and shouldn't be complaining. My men took it upon themselves to vote for me and Quark saw me as a top leader. So I not only congratulate the New Guild Masters I also congratulate all of the players who made top of quarks list - because that itself is a privilege. 43/1700 - I'll take it. (beer)(beer)

Ed for Lion. Rawr. :D

Post by DarkRahl » Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:54 pm

Huntyoudown wrote:I never said anything about being allies Rahl, but we did have a NAP and you guys would "accidently" hit us every now and then...

Also, you had spies everywhere, spies take the fun out of the game, many great players have given up on valor because of spies.

You guys are good no doubt, my first comment was not toward your skills in game, but towards your actions with how you go about getting a win...

I'm sorry you saw it that way Hunt. For every player that saw it that way you'd find a number that didn't. But everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Regardless. I'd still play a world along side you. You know how to throw down and that's the best part.

Congrats to the new guild masters. I know two of you. Well done :)

Post by Angusandnico » Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:45 pm

I have had the pleasure of playing with DR in a world. Not only is he an awesome crown, but a lot of fun and so easy to deal with. I'd work with him again in a heart beat. Except DR we would still have to fight over custody of stram lol. Congratulations Hunt and to all the new GMs

Post by Huntyoudown » Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:38 pm

I never said anything about being allies Rahl, but we did have a NAP and you guys would "accidently" hit us every now and then...

Also, you had spies everywhere, spies take the fun out of the game, many great players have given up on valor because of spies.

You guys are good no doubt, my first comment was not toward your skills in game, but towards your actions with how you go about getting a win...

Post by cattiebrie » Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:59 pm

To all the valorians looking in here to see something good about their crowns. And only seeing arguing. I would like to congratulate all the new guild masters!! I know a few of you and those I know are definitely deserving of the title. And the ones I don't know I'm sure you must be some pretty great crowns. for your members to have spoken so highly of you! :)

Post by DarkRahl » Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:01 pm

Huntyoudown wrote:I never said you guys didn't win...

Your use of back stabbing and spies helped you to get a win..

Huntyoudown. Haha Kwreak now I remember you. We were never your allies in that world so I fail to see how clever diplo that ultimately saw your guild go down, a red guild, is concidered backstabbing. But you can see it however you wish. And more so, I still have the SS of you asking to join UTD next world we played. So why would you want to if you honestly viewed it that way. Dispute what you have said here, you were still one of the greatest fighters in that world. Respect.

Post by Toussaintr » Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:55 pm

Serialkillers wrote:Toussantr, You are correct I did absolutley nothing in W176 but before you bash me for that maybe you should get the full story about it. W176 was my first TBS world after taking a short valor break. Myself and a few friends joined that world as an experiment to learn how to play TBS. Your guild or whoevers it was asked to absorb my guild so we decided to, I did not ask to be a crown there. I never once said anything about wanting to be in the winning guild as I knew I didnt deserve it even though I was messaged many times to pick up my participation. TBH I didn't remember you at all up until now, as that world was just a learning experience for me and I didn't take it seriously at all. So no I did not vote against you.

I apologize if you took my words as bashing. They are just what happened. If you were not one of the unbiased GMs "bragging" to other nominees about how they held them out then good! They put you guys in a position of power and some used that to be spiteful. As soon as any proof of that was presented the whole board should have been disbanded or the problem members thrown out.

Post by Serialkillers » Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:46 pm

Toussaintr wrote:Now I know who voted against me. Hey Serial, long time since you didn't make the final cut in W176. Yes you were a crown in my alliance that literally did nothing and expected to take the win with us. Please don't tell me you took that personal and gave me a bad "grade"? Since you knew my name I'm sure you didn't need to request outside information. My opinion still stands. This is the exact reason you guys should not have been given such a duty. You can't grade others based on a bad experience especially considering you didn't do anything that world.

Toussantr, You are correct I did absolutley nothing in W176 but before you bash me for that maybe you should get the full story about it. W176 was my first TBS world after taking a short valor break. Myself and a few friends joined that world as an experiment to learn how to play TBS. Your guild or whoevers it was asked to absorb my guild so we decided to, I did not ask to be a crown there. I never once said anything about wanting to be in the winning guild as I knew I didnt deserve it even though I was messaged many times to pick up my participation. TBH I didn't remember you at all up until now, as that world was just a learning experience for me and I didn't take it seriously at all. So no I did not vote against you.
