State of Valor 12/19 Updated

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Post by smga3000 » Fri May 13, 2016 10:01 am

SirBlazeALot420 wrote:Yes as I have seen as well. With orlor gone as well as there engineer this game has started to fall. The lack of response only shows that they really don't care. They only want to drain the last bit of money they can out of it and sale it off.

GM'squiting well there was to be an annual election happening every year. This was to fill spots for players that quit. I see now that they have no intrest in keeping the game open and no want to have elections as a normal society does. There has been no update on GW13 roster as it is full for sure. We have won 2 worlds and not listed. Only 17 show and we are not on it. Looks like it is time to look at other games and maybe the flight will make them wake up.

New Team is now onboard and actively engaged, please let me know if there is anything we can help you with.

Post by smga3000 » Fri May 13, 2016 10:00 am

Kingaddis wrote:Shame, I can see valor shutting down, sooner rather than later.

We aren't shutting down, the resources are now in place to see dramatic improvements over the short term and to actively engage with our beloved Valorians :) Just let me know if you need any help.

Post by smga3000 » Fri May 13, 2016 9:59 am

Angusandnico wrote:Crickets. Keep spending gold so quark can take your money like they did in champs

We have a new team actively on the job now, we're making fixes and improvements as fast as we can type and I'm here to help and answer questions, so let me know if you have any current issues and I'll get on it.

Post by SirBlazeALot420 » Sat May 23, 2015 4:16 pm

Yes as I have seen as well. With orlor gone as well as there engineer this game has started to fall. The lack of response only shows that they really don't care. They only want to drain the last bit of money they can out of it and sale it off.

GM'squiting well there was to be an annual election happening every year. This was to fill spots for players that quit. I see now that they have no intrest in keeping the game open and no want to have elections as a normal society does. There has been no update on GW13 roster as it is full for sure. We have won 2 worlds and not listed. Only 17 show and we are not on it. Looks like it is time to look at other games and maybe the flight will make them wake up.

Post by Kingaddis » Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:14 am

Angusandnico wrote:Because u don't get any inside knowledge as a gm. A number of us have left valor and moved on to other games taking players with us and have left the gm room because it's pointless. Quark tells us the same thing at the same time as everybody else, which is main reason I left. I have 2 many kakao rooms as it is. A number of us tried to passionately fight for this game and against the glitches and bots that were starting the rot and driving players out, because the skill and competitiveness was being lost to button mashing exploits. Quark said they would fix it and u can see how that's going. I do love this game which is y I still check in, but ... Right now I'm more interested in maxing my th10 lol old school players have simply been driven away by lack of as u say communication but most importantly action. I wouldn't b blaming gms ... A number have campaigned here a lot but if u haven't noticed this forum is dead

Shame, I can see valor shutting down, sooner rather than later.

Post by Angusandnico » Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:31 am

Because u don't get any inside knowledge as a gm. A number of us have left valor and moved on to other games taking players with us and have left the gm room because it's pointless. Quark tells us the same thing at the same time as everybody else, which is main reason I left. I have 2 many kakao rooms as it is. A number of us tried to passionately fight for this game and against the glitches and bots that were starting the rot and driving players out, because the skill and competitiveness was being lost to button mashing exploits. Quark said they would fix it and u can see how that's going. I do love this game which is y I still check in, but ... Right now I'm more interested in maxing my th10 lol old school players have simply been driven away by lack of as u say communication but most importantly action. I wouldn't b blaming gms ... A number have campaigned here a lot but if u haven't noticed this forum is dead

Post by Kingaddis » Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:10 am

Once again, lack of communication, why can't the GM actually act like GM and let us players who know the game better on what the **** is happening.

Post by Dieformason » Mon Mar 23, 2015 2:02 am

Benfrom300 wrote:they are pushing for this coming week or the following week.

I think they missed their mark

Post by Benfrom300 » Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:05 pm

runatme wrote:How about letting us lesser mortals know

they are pushing for this coming week or the following week.

Post by runatme » Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:49 pm

How about letting us lesser mortals know
