3-level research system

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: 3-level research system

Post by Bdenuto » Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:58 am

For each type of city, could you give an example of final unit counts / unit build ratios?

Post by Valor addict » Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:55 am

If u have any questions feel free to ask.

Post by Valor addict » Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:54 am

In a lvl 3 world u will need to make 4 types of cities. These four cities are offence, defence, nuke and scout. These will be a key for survival in a lvl 3 world. I do not use knights at all in these worlds only guardians. Zerks are a extreme city and should only start to be recruited when u have atleast 5 defence cities up and running. That will be your first aim, to get 5 strong defenders with level 3 guards, lvl 3 lancers and sentries and lvl 1 scout.
For an attack city u start to pile up guardians and zerks and lvl 1 scout. If u havnt noticed u should atleast have lvl 1 scout in every city.
Scout cities is just a city of pure scouts all level 3.
And a nuke city, lvl 3 rams, lvl 1 ballista, lvl 3 zerks, level 2 guards and lvl 1 scouts.

3-level research system

Post by Jan16 » Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:53 pm

When you play in a world with 3-level research system what do you think is the best beginning?
And also which troops do you use for beginning of the world?
Is using berserkers wise or is this terrible choice?
Are knights better for beginning?
Also is better to upgrade knights,guardians,or berserkers research if you need to choose?

