Valor 2.1.3 worst version ever

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Valor 2.1.3 worst version ever

Post by KMT » Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:39 am

What can i say? I do not update valor lately. I had too many issues in past.
I have 190+ cities in a world and 260+ in another. I am playing for more than 1 year and i would like to know how many of your developers play daily accounts with more than 200 cities.
You can't give us updates till you don't test them in 10-100-250-1000 and so on cities accounts. Otherwise please use our feedback. Listen to Kingjason and do what he suggests.

Post by ASIANBOSS » Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:12 am

I never got the update I always wait to see what people think of it first you guys have saved me time and anger and my iPod thank you sooooo much and you should do the same thing from now on

Post by Lhui » Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:43 pm

Can't play the game at all since I upgraded to this version...Was in the middle of a major guild push and can't get into game for four days now...Very disappointed with this patch...Blizzard did the same thing when they launched Cata 2 years ago, lost a lot of long time gamers...

Post by Deathclank » Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:55 am

I am a software guy by trade, and have done well enough out of it that I now do things for fun rather than necessity. I am also a crown in a couple of worlds and top 40 player in one. I have spent plenty of money on this game - more so than on any other ios game.

A couple of points:

* Sort your QA process out - this is a great game concept marred by as bad an execution as I have ever seen - the ONLY reason i have stayed with this game is because i dont want to let my team members down. The icing on the cake was being locked out of my world the other day for 24 hours because it would refuse to connect on my ipad. No there is nothing wrong with my internet connection. To resolve it I had to load the HD version on my iphone and xferr my account. I cant read the bloody screen!

* Stop gouging your players - 5 gold to change a city name - please!

* Stop developing new features and start fixing existing bugs - refer back to the first point

* Focus on streamlining the experience - why are you doing synchronous updates? I cringe every time i move to another city and then suffer the inevitable lag while the games updates yet again - i have grown to hate this. I am on a fast broadband connection and wifi share it - this still sucks. Seriously.

* Stop the crashes every time you flip between apps. I hate that with a passion as well. How hard can this be. Look at the logs in xcode!

* Focus on usability, not features. Its doesn't need new features - it just needs to be made less painful. Why - really why - should i have to flip thru all my cities to build scholarships. It is sucking the life out of the game.

* When are you going to learn that this game is about people working toward a common goal, and then build out tools that support this. The existing collaboration tools are very basic. Thats why we have to flip out of valor and into other apps.

My intuition tells me that the only reason this thread isn't longer is that most people really couldn't be bothered to create an account to talk about it.

Its a great game. Sort your **** out and you will grow it. Keep this up and I am over it.


Post by gemini0019 » Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:49 am

Yeah, all my cities start with the region number, all I saw was 23.... Or 12.... I have over 70 cities in some regions. Which one am I actually in?? Thank you for restoring the old top bar! Much apreciated.

Post by Seris » Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:14 pm

My cities started with •

And they showed as
Lol :l

Post by Dwarghlok » Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:32 pm

It was supposed to be map. It kicked me out. So frustrating. I can handle loosing city's and battles. But not when it's an updates fault. Not Happy.
Please do something and let me know when you have it fixed cause its broken.

Post by Dwarghlok » Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:28 pm

If you looking for smart changes. You know how you can look up and see in my case r21 and see the guilds in that area and see how many players they each have. But I want to conquer a barb in another area. There are not stats available. You have to scroll the nap.

Post by Dwarghlok » Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:18 pm

This update ruined my game in world 83. I have a hard time to see what city I'm in. Very hard on the eyes. I play on my I phone and now it's too frustrating to play.
Make the interface easy. I lost my 2 biggest city's today as I could not get on and my mail only works after an hour of clicking. I'm a crown and was in the middle of a merge and couldn't get mail from new members. I will not join another world like this. I'll need glasses for sure.

Post by VectorXYZ » Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:55 pm

Dont need to add specifics.. many before have done that... just want to add my voice ... The current version of the Game sucks. It had too many errors before and I convinced myself to wait for the next version... what a joke...this is just **** coding... the game concept is great..the app is crap... I want to play the game, but cant at the moment.. I even bought some gold to try and support the developers.. but no more.. I'm a top 100 player in my world.. and about to abandon the game!
