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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Latest update

Post by Crompy » Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:17 am

Dreadful and unworkable, isn't it? Also miss the refresh button. Also also miss the fact you can't link to cities from reports. Won't be starting up a new world at this rate. Will be taking up embroidery in preference.

Post by DonDavid » Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:42 am

Maybe its time to go in another land to find a new cool game.
I will wait 24hours and see if they change their mind about this update and give us back a real friendly game, if not, am out.
Anyway the apple store its full of new games waiting for us.

It would be cool to share what the valors developer are smocking in the meantime they program the game.

Post by Oncecrazy » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:00 pm

If you don't like don't update. I find it easier to click on the side bar and load each city. It was quick. I like the layout. Maybe just add the arrow and your golden

Post by Vetley » Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:48 pm

Thank goodness I haven't updated no arrows?!? We need to b able to scroll easily through our cities play mesh

Post by Biwin » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:47 pm

I haven't synched my iPad to my computer since before downloading Valor directly through my iPad, so this won't work for me :(

Good idea for people who have though.

Post by Kingjason666 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:42 pm

Well I updated and then went back to old version. Do this everyone and screw the latest downgrade

Delete valor from your phone altogether. The connect your phone to your pc. And drag the old version from your pc back onto your iPhone and sync.

This will get you what ever the old version was on your pc. The older it is the more chance valor has less bugs.
Only downside to this is you must reload each city and as I have 1131 city's In a world that's going to take some time. But at least I can scroll through city's again.

Post by MissDiablo » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:29 pm

Ok, don't see how "better" this is.
It takes forever to scroll through your cities now, ohh wait you can't scroll you have to go into every single one at a time by selecting in the sidebar. Sorry I use a lot of time on this game but I don't have THAT much time.

And troop count is now some bread thingy. Where is my troop count at all..!!

Also I can only see the first 8-9 letters of my cities. I need a whole new name strategy to find and remember my cities.

At least I can see where to buy coins. :/

Please please please go back to the more simple layout Playmesh. I thought that was the whole idea with this game. Simple but absolutely awesome.

Post by AceDragon » Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:58 pm

On second thaught just put the top bar back to the way it was. You need a magnify glass to read all that tiny letters and numbers.

Post by AceDragon » Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:54 pm

Sorry. I miss the buttons for going left and right to get to next city, put those back in ASAP.
This new update makes it so there are more buttons you have to push to do simple things.
Also put back the troop count on the top.
And why do you even put the city name up there if its next to impossible to see to read it.
Why are you making things harder to do?

Post by AceDragon » Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:50 pm

I agree, I miss the buttons f
