Multiple devices, sam acct

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Post by Bib123 » Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:00 pm

Play mesh lets face it everyone wants the same acc on 2 devices!! Just like you can in safari if you had a safari based game!! The last game I played was available on two devices!! Making it not a problem!! You guys have failed to see the potential as you could have better gaming if you had two devices.. Now I have to use iPhone where the screen is a lot smaller and that means checking all my villages on an old iPhone which makes things a little slow!! And boring and sometimes frustrating when my iPad experience was great!! But I can't take my iPad to work!!

Post by Mr. O » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:31 am

The reason that playmesh has this system is because of their target audience. This system allows anyone with an apple device to login and play without signing up, without usernames and passwords and it SEVERLY reduces the chances of stolen accounts.
The games account is linked to the physical device to allow casual gaming. I personally think its a very clever system.

The down side it's when you have two devices though.... It does lead to this problem.
The limit on moving accounts is also to help reduce account theft. You may e able to petition the support staff by opening a ticket and asking them to move tthe account again.
But be warned that if you keep trying to swop you request may be denied, again , for security reasons.

Post by Grey » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:18 am

Speaking of transferring accounts, I was not aware of this one device per account thing...transferred from my iPhone to iPad, and now I can only play on my iPad at home. Is there any way to transfer it back to my iPhone without waiting for 30 days so I don't lose too much time while I am supposed to be working my job =)?

Post by Telen » Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:43 pm

I agree it's a bad rule!
However I play two citys in the same world. Using two different email address.
Be ready to enter a new world using both device at the same time. Or if you restart pick the same area this applies to when you start a new world, you get pretty close to each city.
I do this just in one world to play around with. I think it's why they have the 14 day market place trading hold.

Post by Lorrdwolf » Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:58 am

Why is that?

Post by DanielJ » Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:06 am

No, you can't.

Multiple devices, sam acct

Post by Lorrdwolf » Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:52 pm

I have an iPad and iPhone. My ACCT, on world 29, is on my iPad. Can I add that ACCT to my iPhone so I can play the same ACCT on both devices? I do not want to transfer the account from e iPad, just add to the iPhone.


