I hate chaos

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Post by Blaze68 » Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:27 am

Wow! A chaos question turned into a history debate?

Post by JGree » Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:31 pm

Pauld2468 wrote:Speaking of real world warfare i had the privelege of visiting both hiroshima and pearl harbour during the same trip.

i had concluded from those two events that the USA were indeed cowards after the japanese had fought with honor and courage on the attack on pearl harbour only attacking and killin mosly the US own troops.

Then a few years later the US decides to kill millions of inocent women and children who had no part of WWII by dropping nuclear bombs on hiroshima then another days later on nagasaki to end the war.

I ask Is that expoliding a weakness on the japanese or is it being cowardly on the US side by ending a war with such destuction that by the other normal military means the US had no chance of winning the war with there own armies and navy personel. So they must of thought how about we kill everyone by nuking them.

Just because you can use a chaos exploit in pre worlds doesnt mean you should rely on it to get you out of your own poor planning

Umm, the U.S. was going to win the war against Japan no matter what had happened, U.S. and allied forces had taken all islands but the mainland of Japan. They had superior forces and technology (nuclear bomb/radar), and the Japanese, yes, were loyal and honorable to their emperor. It is possible every single soldier would die befor he was harmed. It is highly debated weather it was MORALY correct to nuke them, not that the U.S. was cornered and resorted to unconventional warfare methods. Get your facts straight.

I can't explain the final attacks on Japan to a 5 year old any clearer, Pauld. Anyone can vouch this is what happened. If you want to read specifics, actually listen in school about WWII, or don't even talk at all.

Post by Fire820 » Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:01 pm

While I don't like chaos, and wish I could go to worlds where chaos is banned among the players, I just bide my time. Because if they must use chaos, they probably aren't good or smart. So wait then full-out attack

Post by LordFirefall » Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:16 pm

Again, if you don't like it, you have but to quit any world you are in that still has it. Insults and whining aren't going to change things pre-75.

Post by Pauld2468 » Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:31 pm

Speaking of real world warfare i had the privelege of visiting both hiroshima and pearl harbour during the same trip.

i had concluded from those two events that the USA were indeed cowards after the japanese had fought with honor and courage on the attack on pearl harbour only attacking and killin mosly the US own troops.

Then a few years later the US decides to kill millions of inocent women and children who had no part of WWII by dropping nuclear bombs on hiroshima then another days later on nagasaki to end the war.

I ask Is that expoliding a weakness on the japanese or is it being cowardly on the US side by ending a war with such destuction that by the other normal military means the US had no chance of winning the war with there own armies and navy personel. So they must of thought how about we kill everyone by nuking them.

Just because you can use a chaos exploit in pre worlds doesnt mean you should rely on it to get you out of your own poor planning

Post by LordFirefall » Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:18 pm

Some would say those that use their guild members gang up on 1 or 2 players to take them out are also cowards. Or, waiting until someone goes to sleep and then attack. Bottom line, winners throughout history have exploited weaknesses to conquer their foes. Chaos is just a tool that guilds who coordinate well use against guilds that do not. If you don't like it, you have but to quit any world you are in at still has it. Insults and whining aren't going to change things pre-75.

Post by Pauld2468 » Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:01 pm

Anyone who uses chaos in any world to me is considered a coward Its the equvilent of not being able to fight your own battles. Run and hide behind chaos all you cowards and let your guild save you its really pathetic

Valor is NOT meant to be played like that. If your not prepared to be conquered then you should'nt play the game. Chaos is for the weak and cowardly imo

Post by Fire820 » Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:58 am

Ok. So I can't get banned for an accidental chaos? Good.

Post by Orlor » Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:43 am

In short, using Chaos in worlds 75+ will get you a ban.

Some measures have been put into place to prevent this happening accidentally, but please don't try to Chaos a city.

Post by Fire820 » Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:52 am

If they're in attack chaos, you may support them. If they're in support chaos, you may attack them. But that's it. You can send resources at any time though.
