Scholars & scholarships

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Scholars & scholarships

Post by Akilies » Sat Nov 19, 2011 9:36 pm

You are doing nothing wrong at all. The fact that you have to buy one more scholarship for each next scholar is correct, meaning, if you have 5 cities and and want 6, then you have to buy 6 more scholarships and then a scholar. And the same for a 7th city. You have to buy 7 scholarships and then educate a scholar. After a while it gets really expensive, but like Nova already said, build an academy in several cities so that it will be a lot easier to purchase scholarships and scholars.

Post by HellJumper Nova » Sat Nov 19, 2011 9:25 pm

Let say you have 2 cities that have MAX resources. Just build an academy in those cities to farm SSs. That way you can get Scholars a lot faster.


Scholars & scholarships

Post by colossk » Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:12 pm

I'm at a point in the game where it seems to be slowing down instead of speeding up. I'm in world 29, 19 days in and I have 4 cities. To create my next scholar at this point I have to buy 4 scholarships first. That means my next scholar is going to cost me about 175k of each resource.

Am I doing it wrong? Is there an alternative? I have 2 cities with an academy, is ther any way to speed this process up?
