delete old worlds

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Post by LordFirefall » Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:40 am

I still don't see how this is an issue. The list is sorted by the most recently viewed worlds. If you don't want to see them, don't scroll down - problem solved.

Post by MyName999 » Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:24 am

Pauld2468 wrote:Let us not forget firefall this is not a bug issue.

Its a feature that was disabled because quark had gotten tired of newbies crying and then messaging support about accidently abandoning worlds. Like i said before, there are a lot of worlds to enter. if you abandon one by accident then it should be tough luck. We should not have to have live with clutter on our screen because some newbies screw up thier games by abandoning them by accident.

If i were support i would not even deal with someone who accidently abandoned without perhaps having them pay a small fee to get it back.

Maybe 100 gold would be a fair price to re-enter an abandoned world.

Just a flick of a switch to turn it back on is all that will fix it. Very simple

With the TBS worlds, abandoning lead to several major bugs due to the troops outside the cities. Abandoning a world maybe (surely) create(d) big problems on Valor, that Quark isn't able to fix (and yes, some cried because their fingers slept on the abandon button while it had to slide on the attack one...).
So the easiest way for Quark to fix everything and bring the promised impossibility to abandon while attacked, was to disable the abandoning...

But the issue that we here are asking, for long, isn't to bring the abandon option back, but to bring a new option that's only an interfacing: having the opportunity to hide several worlds on the main screen, in order to have only the one we're using...

I think a novice programmer could add the feature in a work day, but as it has already been said: Quark has soooooo much plenty lots huge great problems to face n fix ;-P

Post by Amarandith » Sat Sep 13, 2014 12:25 pm

Do not close old worlds there r still some of is playin to win those world I still play in world 1

Post by LordFirefall » Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:17 am

I'm not forgetting that at all. It's not a matter of newbies crying, its a matter of them screwing up and then quitting in frustration. Newbies turn into paying customers, and bring more newbies in, and etc. If support had that attitude about newbies, it would drive them away.

As far as a flick of a switch to turn it on, you're probably right. However, it would take it back to the previous situation, that Quark has already decided is untenable for them.

Post by Pauld2468 » Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:11 am

LordFirefall wrote:I've got 20 on my screen, but it sorts them in the order they were last accessed. So again, not sure why having old worlds is a huge problem. There are many bigger things to fix (like finding incoming attacks).

Let us not forget firefall this is not a bug issue.

Its a feature that was disabled because quark had gotten tired of newbies crying and then messaging support about accidently abandoning worlds. Like i said before, there are a lot of worlds to enter. if you abandon one by accident then it should be tough luck. We should not have to have live with clutter on our screen because some newbies screw up thier games by abandoning them by accident.

If i were support i would not even deal with someone who accidently abandoned without perhaps having them pay a small fee to get it back.

Maybe 100 gold would be a fair price to re-enter an abandoned world.

Just a flick of a switch to turn it back on is all that will fix it. Very simple

Post by LordFirefall » Sat Apr 06, 2013 10:57 am

I've got 20 on my screen, but it sorts them in the order they were last accessed. So again, not sure why having old worlds is a huge problem. There are many bigger things to fix (like finding incoming attacks).

Post by Pauld2468 » Sat Apr 06, 2013 3:25 am

LordFirefall wrote:Restart. It leaves you with a 1085 city that you can ignore. I just don't see how this is a earth shattering problem, in the overall scheme of things.

Thats not the point firefall. It takes up clutter on our screens.

Even the world we had won i cant delete it. so over time im going to have dozens of worlds that have no buisness being there.

Maybe a "hide world" button would be a quick fix.

Ps atm i have 6 worlds on my portal. Im only playing 2 atm the others are old and want to get rid of them somehow but cant.

Post by LordFirefall » Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:27 am

Pauld2468 wrote:Not being able to abandon worlds has really put a negative spin on the game.

I would like to abandon a world and i'm not able to. Causing an unfair reality to the world i want to get out of. Making the other players in that world having to either cap me or destroy my city. How fair is that?

if you abandon a world by mistake its your own fault for not paying attention. Kinda like accidently deleating an important file from your computer.

Which from what i've read is the reasoning behind not being able to abandon.

Its gone, move on and be more careful next time

Restart. It leaves you with a 1085 city that you can ignore. I just don't see how this is a earth shattering problem, in the overall scheme of things.

Post by Pauld2468 » Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:34 am

Not being able to abandon worlds has really put a negative spin on the game.

I would like to abandon a world and i'm not able to. Causing an unfair reality to the world i want to get out of. Making the other players in that world having to either cap me or destroy my city. How fair is that?

if you abandon a world by mistake its your own fault for not paying attention. Kinda like accidently deleating an important file from your computer.

Which from what i've read is the reasoning behind not being able to abandon.

Its gone, move on and be more careful next time

Post by lIIITOR2010IIll » Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:39 pm

Orlor wrote:That is something that we are looking into having done. I agree that those closed worlds are just taking up space on the screen now and there should be a way to remove them.

That's a good news and the sooner the better.

When you say it's a feature that will return in the future, what does "future" means? Weeks, months ...?
