How do you handle being big?

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Post by Karl302 » Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:36 am

Took me close to a hour to visit my 265 city's

Post by Poisonousdeath » Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:14 am

I normally block my city's off example a 1-10 b 1-10 c 1-10 especially with the new worlds at how fast you can grow is a short period of time. Having 100 city's I would normally go through 20 at a time depending on the time I have also for a faster way through your city's I would also recommend going through and building first once you have selected that go back to the start and scroll through building troops I find it saves half the time.

Post by MechaStorm » Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:01 pm

Yeah 100's will take much longer. But what Nikhil said is correct. It's much easier deciding what you want each city to be. You could also make up a schedule for when you want to go through the cities. Such as half in the morning and half at night. Spacing it throughout ur day could help.

Post by Nikhil21 » Sun Apr 14, 2013 2:34 pm

20? Wait till you reach 100, then it starts to become a task.

Handling 20 shouldn't be too hard, just don't take too long over each city, decide whether city will be offensive or defensive and build accordingly. Queue extender can help with not having to check your cities again and again because you can set up a long queue but I manage without it.

But the more cities you have, the longer you will take to go through them. Although once you stop building them up and get to the desired buildings, you will just have to build troops. Won't be too hard to go through then.

How do you handle being big?

Post by VoxPopuli » Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:01 pm

All joking aside, how do you handle being big?

I'm new and currently playing on W214 but it's got to the point where I have around 20 villages and the game is becoming a bit tedious to handle. it takes ages to go through every village and do everything that needs doing for each. I enjoyed the first week of 1-5 villages, but now they're all a little depersonalised. It's more a chore than a game.

So I guess my question is, how do you guys manage your cities and armies?

I know some people name their cities by area in quite ingenious ways, but I'm referring more to building/troops.

