Good unit combination for conquering?

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Post by TheWolfWarrior » Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:13 pm

Guards/Rams are my choice.

Depends on the defense.

Post by Rats » Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:35 pm

Well to answer your first question im attacking from 3 different cities (and sending scholars from a 4tth) and the second question : it is a really bad I des to wait till your waves get back to launch anything else especially scholars what I do is I have all my waves land within 5-10 seconds of each other so that the enemy can't dodge

If u don't know what dodging is its basicly pullkong your troops out of your city so that the clearing waves hit the city with no troops in it and u don't lose any then bring your troops back in to kill the scholars when they land.

And to time your attacks u launch the farthest one away from your target first then subtract all your other waves from that ad u get their launch time also descide which waves U want to land first and add or subtract 5-10 seconds from the arival time of the first wave u launched

For example I want my first to wall busting waves to land first and lets say they are the farthest out from the target

So their arival time is 10:50:40

Well I want my clean up wave to land second and my scholars waves to land 3rd

My clean up waves travel time is 06:40:20

And my scholars times are 08:20:30

Since I want my clean up waves to land 2nd I add 5 seconds to the arival time of my wall busters giving me the time I want that wave to land

So I want my clea up waves to land at 10:50:45
And scholars to land at 10:50:50

So I would launch my clean up wave at 4:10:25
And my scholars at 2:30:20

Hope this helps :)

Post by Spanishguy » Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:10 pm

Do u send your first 2 waves and wait for them to get back before sending the last?

Post by Spanishguy » Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:09 pm

Rats my question is, how come you have so many troops? My farm is out of space and I don't have as many troops as you?

Post by Rats » Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:54 pm

Also I like to build zerks with guards

I have at least 3 waves hitting a city

First 2 are 8000 zerks 2250 guards and 750 rams

And 3rd is 11000 zerks 2250 guards

This setup can easily clear 15k lancers and sents behind a lvl25 wall

Also I build the 2250 guards just in case my city is under attack and I have no time to get defnense In so I pull all troops out and bring the guards back in to kill the scholars it's pretty simple when most people don't know how to attack properly lol

Post by Rats » Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:50 pm

Ok have fun fun rebuilding all those troops u will lose try it out in the sim u lose over 2 times as many troops not taking out the wall so I'd prefer to save loads of troops take the city get it into chaos while I rebuild the wall and get defence in

Post by Duke24 » Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:18 am

WiZaRdOfOz wrote:if your target has lvl 20+ walls and a huge army, then you NEED catapults.catapults start sieging the wall before your army starts hitting, thus reducing the losses incurred.unless it's some weak army with weak walls, i would never consider not using rams.

I don't recruit rams or balista as I never use them. It takes roughly 6000 zerks and 10000 gaurdians to clear a well defended maxed building maxed troops and I honestly prefer recruiting the troops again instead of rebuilding the wall.

To answer the OP's question, send the attacks with one scholar per wave, as 6 scholars in one wave decreases the loyalty 20-30P like 1 scholar. 250 gaurdians + 1 scholar can get past a lvl25 wall. Make sure you send clearing attacks.

Post by WiZaRdOfOz » Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:47 pm

Unfortunately, yes, they will know the scouts came from you.Even if the scout was successful, they will know exactly what you scouted,resources, buildings units.In other words,they will receive the exact scout report you get.

Post by Spanishguy » Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:42 pm

Thanks. And if I were to successfully use scouts, would it tell my enemy scouts came from me?

Post by WiZaRdOfOz » Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:29 am

scouts at lvl 2 are a must. you really need to know the lvl of the wall.That information is essential in helping you plan your battle(using the simulator).
