43K maxed cities. Are they worth it?

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Post by miky1993 » Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:44 pm

40k + cities i don't think it's worth it eather though you guys are right it looks way cooler on the map, also think city capacity should be higher to compensate the loss of troops for building a maxed city

Post by ThatValorPlayer » Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:19 am

Imho, Maxed cities are only good for 2 things.
Players that want to know they have built their cities up completely, therefore no longer needing to check them.
Then there's those who don't know/want to be limited to what they have selectively built in a city. (not good in 3 tier research)

Post by Lord3933 » Thu Oct 18, 2012 6:27 pm

Points ? Is it that important after all ?
I've never build my city pass 35k.
Want more points = Cap more enemy cities

And for specialise city there's no way u can build with more than 23k Zerks with resources building up and Barracks at max and city hall at 25. Rest 0.

Post by LordFirefall » Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:05 pm

When you have a big empire that winds up centered in the middle of friendly territory, you gotta support far away. Trick is not sending everything out - gotta have enough to surprise would be conquerors ;)

Post by bananabandana » Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:46 pm

b-b-b-b-but the points...

You make a fair point, Firefall. I am simply giving a use case indicative of how I approach the game. I typically only have time to make use of a small handful of cities in a session, so for me, the singular utility value of cities (in this case scholarship farming) works out well. I also don't like spreading support too far to a point where I can't quickly redeploy.

Post by LordFirefall » Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:36 pm

bananabandana wrote:As for the better use of troops, if I get into the above scenario along with having tons of guildmates controlling all the decent cities in the surrounding area. I've pretty much castrated myself in terms of military potential for that city (aside from the occasional cross-region nuke). The city has basically become a scholarship farm, so why not build out the rest of those buildings?

Three words - pure defense city. Train guards exclusively and send them to support cities on the front lines, so those cities can be pure offense.

Post by bananabandana » Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:45 am

"Building up to 43k" as an isolated case is a horribly suboptimal strategy, and I agree that more capacity for troops and avoiding painting a target on yourself are both legitimate reasons for keeping your cities below 40k.

On the larger scope of things; however, I do enjoy building up to 43k eventually. As the game is right now, I see the primary deciding factor of the game a points race. Of course, world domination is a more definitive goal, but for a single player, the process to that goal can seem very far off and bleak. So getting that every bit of point edge on opponents keeps the game interesting for me.

One could argue that players who don't cap their cities have better potential for conquering more cities faster, which will ultimately give them more points. I am not arguing against that, which is why I would only build up past 40k eventually. For example, players may be attracted to 40k+ cities more than smaller cities, but they are much more likely to take a city of any decent point value that further out from the main cluster. If I have a tight cluster of like 8-10 cities, I can pretty safely start upgrading into the 40k's without fear of people targeting exclusively.

As for the better use of troops, if I get into the above scenario along with having tons of guildmates controlling all the decent cities in the surrounding area. I've pretty much castrated myself in terms of military potential for that city (aside from the occasional cross-region nuke). The city has basically become a scholarship farm, so why not build out the rest of those buildings?

In summation, I admit that 40k+ does not serve much utility value for a city, but there are situations where I would justifiably do it anyway for the extra points. Besides, I just love seeing the kickass moats!

Post by LordFirefall » Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:34 am

Read up in the thread.

Post by Poppie » Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:32 pm

Everyone build their cities 43k You will never go wrong doing that!!!!!

Post by LordFirefall » Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:02 pm

Taking the rally point out hinders their ability to dodge. 20 attacks, spaced 20 minutes apart, all set to rally point, can screw up their day enough to slip in those scholars.
