Hiding Money/ Make money Real world business tricks for Valor

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Expand view Topic review: Hiding Money/ Make money Real world business tricks for Valor

Post by LordJAG » Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:21 am

correction on the seconed part of infastructure hiding. I ment to say warehouse and not farm.

Hiding Money/ Make money Real world business tricks for Valor

Post by LordJAG » Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:15 am

Ever wonder why the rich stay rich, the poor stay poor, and the middle class say what about me?
The rich stay rich because they get out of taxes and put greed first! So here we go.

Your Market: Rich hide money in the stock market. Hide your momey in Valor market in your city if your building but your farm is to low and your going to loose money. Hide your overflow in a ridiculous deal that knowone wants. e.g. Offer your overflow of 1000 bricks for somthing crazy like 2000 trees.

Infatructure hiding: Again, invest your money in tall orders like 100 knights when getting attacked so if you had overflow because of farm it will hide it. Plus! if your getting attacked and you loose, people cant steal whats not there to take. So place the order minutes before the attack.
Investors in the real world do this all day. so its no suprise that a game built on the real world economy has the same loop holes! See you on the battlefield - LordJAG
