How to Organize and Control a Guild

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Post by Thorvaald » Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:52 pm

Gilictic & Remy3000 - AWESOME suggestions! I played a similar game & my guild used similar tactics & it worked very well. The top 12-18 guys were always active & there was some turnover on the bottom 12-18 but everyone knew from the start what was expected!

Post by Remy3000 » Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:06 am

Do a roll call. Post a thread and give everyone 3 days to check in, that way you know who is active and who isn't. Wait a week and do it again. Whoever misses both roll calls you should boot from the guild.

Then, when giving directives to your guild choose your words carefully. State everything as matter of fact not as a suggestion or like your asking a favor. Doesn't have to be rude, just don't let them confuse your words with weakness. Always be willing to put your cities on the front lines of everything and lead by example. Members have to know your not full of B.S. When members show loyalty and obedience to directives, promote them as you see fit.

Make sure not to micromanage. Assign tasks and endeavors to members thus giving them a way to show loyalty and gain your trust. Delegate responsibilities to your generals so that they can demonstrate that the badge next to their name carries some authority. Discuss strategy with them via 1:1 emails and then let them propose it to the guild in the forum with you supporting it.

Post by Nutterboy » Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:41 pm

Firstly you have to have a team of team players. If they are only out to help themselves then they should be kicked and you should look for more involved team members. If everyone is active then there should be no problem with organising and destroying everyone else

Post by Gilictic » Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:12 am

Assign attack and support teams based on location. That always helps. Don't get the whole guild to help get a city. Just give an attack team it's own forums, and let them take it from there, assuming your players are active.

Post by Lorded1 » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:18 pm

For military efficiency your guild needs to master the Valor game clock. Members are spread out everywhere and therefor attacks take different times. With just a little prior research before an attack, many members can hit a target within seconds of each other. Now, how you get them to plan together, that's another topic. Hope this helps. Good luck

Post by HellJumper Nova » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:44 pm

I'm an GL as well, and commander it really depends on the people you invite. Yes, have to know how to modivate your members as well. And it helps a lot if you get to know them to. Make friends and that should do it.

Hope this helps you out

Post by Boomhaur » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:27 am

How are your leaders under you? If they are not helping you out that will cause issues. You could have a lot of players that are just there to hide in a guild so they don't get attacked. Hopefully someone on here went through the same issue and can help you out better than I can. I have been lucky and have always been in good guilds.

How to Organize and Control a Guild

Post by TheCommander » Thu Nov 17, 2011 8:28 pm

I have a large Guild with over 30 players, but I find it hard to get the players to work together and accomplish anything. Does anyone know any advice for controling a Guild with Millitary Efficiency?
