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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Catapult

Post by Dewarrior » Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:21 pm

I was told to develop my idea and I never said there was an imbalance I said to add an new element and keep the balance.

Post by Vasasalo » Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:57 pm

1. Just because you repaste the same thing you posted earlier doesn't get it any closer to being put in the game.
2. Let old post die.
3. If its a good idea it'll be brought to the devs if not its wont regardless how many times you bump your old posts.
4. There isn't an imbalance.

Post by Dewarrior » Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:35 am

I think we need a new unit to keep the balance but add a new element to the game like catapults, here's my idea. I think a catapult would be great addition to the workshop. I think it should cost 275 wood, 250 clay, 200 iron but 5 population to build and take 18 minutes to build from a level 10 workshop and decrease production time by 1.5% by increase with each workshop level, to keep it in balance have it travel at a speed slower than the ballistae like 18% slower. (Example if a takes for an attack to land 1 hour with a ballista, a catapult should take about 1 hour 11 minutes and 20 second to land an attack.) I think they should have an offense of 80 damage to start out. Their defense normally before any upgrades should be 75 defense but weaker defense say like 65 defense against melee units because of the melee needing to be close for them to attack the catapult. these units attack armies (with an option select what to attack infantry, Calvary, artillery) and buildings/walls (with an option to select what to attack like barracks, forge, wall, etc.) and can upgrade to inflict more damage says like upgrades are level 2 does 100 damage and have 95 defense and 85 defense against melee, level 3 does 120 damage and have 115 defense, 105 defense against melee. I think also they should be researched like the other units as well with a requirement of a level 10 workshop, a level 15 forge and that costs 1500 of each resource to research this research should take about 3 hours to complete. Also I think they should have a defense bonus for being inside the city but this bonus should be tied into wall level the higher the wall the higher the bonus, the wall should give a 10% bonus to start but increasing by 10% every level from wall level 10 (example with level 1 catapult which 575 defense times 10% would be 82.5 defense with a level 10 wall).This bonus should help inside the city on defense only while the unit is still got a weak defense outside the city. Also there should be a small attack bonus while in the city only about 5 %( example level one ballista which is 80 attack time 5% gives you an in city attack of 84.)

(Level 1) * * 80 * * * 54
(Level 2) * * 100 * * 105

Post by Dewarrior » Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:03 am

Yeah I tried to develop an entire idea and its still missing the fullness an idea needs to work, I will sit down and think on what else can it possible do or not do.

Post by Orlor » Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:38 pm

I do notice all suggestions on this forum.

Well written and thought out ideas are great though compared to just parts of a feature/unit.

Post by Dewarrior » Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:38 am

Thinking these are all good ideas but I don't think play mesh will notice dis forum unless we really start thinking hard how about this each one of ya think of your own design like I did for the first post then post em up on here.

Post by Rekasand » Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:31 pm

Scholars are extremely slow I don't think it should be slower but maybe the same speed. Then it could be used for fake scholar attacks xD

Post by Dewarrior » Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:16 am

Agreed, it should be

Post by Thorvaald » Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:43 pm

I like the idea of the catapult but, I think it should be slower than the Scholar & I like the reduced effect on all buildings idea. Like give every building level a score and add them up for a total building number. The catapults would have a number attached to them which would decrease the buildings' numbers.

Post by Ceasor69 » Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:54 am

I think being able to destroy cities would be good... Espiecally when you start commanding a lot.. It would be nice to get rid of them and the stress of defending it
