Gold cost

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Post by Tostrekkie » Wed May 02, 2012 9:27 am

Ah, but they make it free to suck us in! No one puts this amount of work in and hands it over from a desire to make friends. It's all about making money. CastleCraft, the game I've played since the iPad first launched, is going black at the end of this month. Their stated reason...? Too costly to maintain the servers and the players weren't buying crystals. Well, they cost too much so we players boycotted. They could have lowered costs and done a hundred other things, but they didn't and now the game is dead. Hope Valor can learn from others' mistakes.

RE: Gold cost

Post by darylwang » Wed May 02, 2012 9:09 am

Yes I agree it is overpriced. Not saying that it should be free or what, the team should lower the cost of Gold, to make it more affordable for everyone, and at the same time they still will be able to earn enough money to cover their costs. I'm sure they will still gain profit from it even after lowering the price.

Post by C46R1 » Wed May 02, 2012 12:10 am

C46R1 wrote:My suggestion is that, we can earn gold by viewing or downloading apps which is advertised.. like on other games,

They stay happy by gaining money from andertisements, and we stay happy by gaining gold! Simplez :) )

******By viewing long and boring and videos, and downloading apps which has been advertised*******

Post by C46R1 » Wed May 02, 2012 12:08 am

My suggestion is that, we can earn gold by viewing or downloading apps which is advertised.. like on other games,

They stay happy by gaining money from andertisements, and we stay happy by gaining gold! Simplez :) )

Post by Eldorren » Tue May 01, 2012 11:02 pm

It's a source of revenue... You wanna hire a team of developers to create a game like this? Wanna pay for the tech and customer support? Want to buy the servers and hardware, lease the bandwidth and office space and everything else that it takes to create and maintain a game.... for free? Riiight.

Post by Stararagorn55 » Tue May 01, 2012 8:00 pm

If they wanted to make money from this then it wouldn't be free so why try and make it up with the gold.

Post by Eldorren » Tue May 01, 2012 10:03 am

I sent an email suggesting a few ideas... I definitely agree that gold is overpriced. It's a disincentive to buy it, but then again... Great games like this aren't free and shouldn't be free... After all, the makers deserve to make money so they can continue to expand and improve the game, as well as provide server support, customer support, etc.. These things cost money, and I can't imagine that their revenue stream is optimal.

I suggest this... Static "free" play where the player is required to "buy" gold if they want it. Or.. subscription memberships that allow you to regen gold at a slow rate. Subscriptions would allow you to extrapolate future revenue and would be lower cost alternatives as a way to obtain gold. I think they would gain much more revenue this way and would have a less disgruntled player base where the gold issue is concerned.

Post by TeerraM » Tue May 01, 2012 7:06 am

Agree with rats: i saw this idea on a different game and i was going through 100s of videos a day lol...
This will get us and valor developers money so why dont they start thinking about that ;)

Post by Stararagorn55 » Tue May 01, 2012 6:27 am

Good idea rats.

Post by Rats » Tue May 01, 2012 12:07 am

I say they get companies to advertise on valor like a page specifically for ad videos and when u watch the videos u get a certain amount of gold so that everyone can have a small amount of gold and playmesh gets paid y the companies whic is way more money than what they would make off the gold
