The prince

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Topic review

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Post by Fire820 » Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:20 pm

I'm just saying. You say that Playmesh needs to try to cut out the imbalance. But you're proposing an idea that would add more imbalance. I provided a way to cut some of the imbalance but you shot it down. Feel free to add your ideas. I'm just here to help too

Post by Sparda007 » Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:25 pm

Well then excuse me for trying to join in.....
Because this the only imbalance i can achieve!
Otherwise i'll have to buy, of which btw i have no means whatsoever!!!!

Post by Fire820 » Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:16 pm

I don't get you Sparda. You complain about imbalance but you're wanting to add more imbalance.

Post by Sparda007 » Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:11 am

No its already imbalanced without the prince,
With him i'd say it would make the game a lot more fun..,.,

Post by Deano87 » Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:21 pm

Scrap this idea.

Post by Fire820 » Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:07 am

You can lose him like any other troop. Adds another risk factor. Also, levelling him up adds more imbalance of which you were worried about. I tried to balance it some. But you shot it down.

Post by Sparda007 » Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:57 am

Fire820 wrote:I'd say treat it sorta like a scholar. Recruit at the academy and no level up. That'll take out some of the imbalance. However I'd have the requirement to get the scholar as just have an academy. Have a limit of one per city. As for use, whatever you really want. And for risk, again treat it similar to scholars. I'd say if 50% of your troops in city or in attack are los,t the prince is lost. Or you could do 25 or 75 or whatever. Costs 75k each resource. And the details are able to be worked out like cost. Risk. Etc.

I like the first part....
But losing him if i lose a percent of my troops, i dont like that....
His max level could be level 10 or 20,
At max he gives a 50% stat boost....
Leveling up by attacking succesfully, and bonus exp by killing enemy troops!

Post by Fire820 » Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:35 pm

I'd say treat it sorta like a scholar. Recruit at the academy and no level up. That'll take out some of the imbalance. However I'd have the requirement to get the scholar as just have an academy. Have a limit of one per city. As for use, whatever you really want. And for risk, again treat it similar to scholars. I'd say if 50% of your troops in city or in attack are los,t the prince is lost. Or you could do 25 or 75 or whatever. Costs 75k each resource. And the details are able to be worked out like cost. Risk. Etc.

Post by Sparda007 » Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:02 am

Oh and how about this,
The prince cannot be killed unless all the cities of the player is conquered....
When he attacked with or without assasin,
His health goes down eventually to 0...
Then we have to heal him at the hospital!
Yes hospital, which is also a place that can be leveled up to speed up healing....
I.e a higher level prince takes longer time to heal....
Healing costs resources!

Post by Sparda007 » Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:57 am

Okay what about experience can be gained through successful attacks!
And about low vs high prince...
We already have that imbalance!
I barely have my city up in TIBERIUS, one of the latest worlds,
A guy is conquering me, and he's a paying member, he attacked me with prestige power up....
His points are at 22k while me, as a regular player have 10k points.....
Lol so its already imbalanced
