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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Chaos

Post by Batelllion » Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:59 am

Brother that is because it is clubbed under strategy game,at some point or other it should turn difficult.
If i would have been your place,i would have love to fight that guy.
there is no fun in capping cities just by sending clearing and scholars,there should be some challenging,I know it frustrates but......

Post by LDD » Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:34 am

Yes, that seems to be what we have to do. But what a waste of time and resources when he is simply abusing the system! I spent 30 cities of troops aimed at 3 of his cities plus fakes and only just managed to take one city off him. It just seems that all the odds are stacked in his favour. Maybe it should be called "Valor - for Players with two Platforms"!!!!

Post by Batelllion » Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:00 pm

Start Destroying his cities by using ballistas,keep sinding wild waves to his all cities so that he cannot chaos them all,do attack the account which has more cities,launch on all,make it a guild effort,so that he is not able to chaos them all.

Post by LordFirefall » Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:32 pm

Sounds like its time to do a full on attack on him and his guild. He can't totally chaos himself and slots will open up some time.

Post by LDD » Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:16 pm

There is a player in our world who has taken over the account of another player and so has two accounts on two platforms - one inside a guild and one outside.

The problem is that he keeps any city that might be attacked under permanent chaos, or just short of this.

This means that as soon as he is attacked he can instantly top up his chaos to make himself almost bulletproof. There is just not a big enough window to get in enough clearing and scholar attacks. Consequently he is growing fast on both his profiles not because he is particularly skilled, but just because he hides behind chaos permanently!

Additionally he can usually instantly chaos any guild mate who is attacked without having to wait for the usual messaging process. This is simply a ludicrous and unfair advantage to have.

I request that either chaos be removed (it should never have been available and is now being abused) or that the player in question has one of his accounts removed. I hope the administrators will have the courage to close this obvious loophole that is destroying the game. (World 24)

Post by LordFirefall » Sat Jun 23, 2012 8:20 am

I've successfully taken chaos slots away from my targets and I've managed to time my clearing and scholars all the time by controlling all 40 slots from the start. Just takes a bit of thought.

Post by Valor addict » Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:46 am

I beleive there could be a few adjustments made to chaos. Instead of just deleting it completley off the worlds after 75 just add a new law. I am suggesting that if a player goes into chaos, yes they cant be attacked from enemies like normal, but i beleive that they should not be able to attack out of the chaos without being harmed, i also beleive u shouls ot be allowed to build troops and level up buildings while in it.
Thoughts? Thanks. 👾✊

Post by Jothemaster » Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:35 pm

But you know the server overload issues which cause it to shut down in my opinion is linked to chaos exploit. Probably that's the reason people can't enter world 75.

Post by Slashu » Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:44 am

I still believe chaos need to go it is very frustrating attacking active members and they just hide in chaos for weeks. They spend more time in chaos chat rooms then playing the game. And timing your attacks between scholars is tough when a player chaoses his city and then your scholar attacks are sitting ducks. I play in world 59 chaos should go.

Post by Batelllion » Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:43 pm

SO you mean that you would definitely roll out chaos worlds??
