Managing reports/inbox

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Expand view Topic review: Managing reports/inbox

Post by Alexpelavas » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:09 pm

just delete the ones not worth your time or screen shot the ones you like

Managing reports/inbox

Post by Remy3000 » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:05 am

Can you develop a way for us to manage our inbox/reports? I would like to mark certain reports or messages so that I know to go back to them. This is particularly helpful when farming. If I send scouts out to 15 barb cities, I'm going to have 15 reports to look through. Once I send troops out to a few of them I'd like to be able to remember which cities have resources that are worth my time, and which I'm not sure about. If I can send troops to farm 3 cities and then mark the reports of the next 3 cities I want to attack when the troops return, I won't have to go back and look at and compare 15 reports to figure out which to take action on.
