New Unit: The Arquebus

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Topic review

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Post by Dewarrior » Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:18 pm

I think the game is balanced just fine, this idea is just to allow more pvp strategy into valor, just because it's suggested doesn't mean playmesh will implement it and if they did they probably would change it to maintain the balance of pvp in valor.

Post by Jothemaster » Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:06 pm

Not needed. The game is unbalanced as it is and a unit that is a lancer with a 3% faster walk time is just server lag. I don't care waiting the extra 30 seconds for a lancer to hit a target. If it was used then Playmesh could just ditch the lancer an make this unit the new base standard.

Post by Dewarrior » Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:52 pm

Your right its a little low so I'm thinking the production should be like 100 wood, 60 clay and 200 iron and research should be 250 wood, 200 clay, 350 iron.

Post by Sternist » Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:58 pm

I think if this was ever implemented a lot more iron would be needed. It seems like the building and research cost are super low for a unit with a gun.

Post by Dewarrior » Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:44 am

What playmesh could do is make select worlds for old middle age weapons and worlds for newer midde age weapons, that way people can chose wether they want older or newer weapons from the middle ages to play.

Post by DudeCorp » Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:38 am

I'm an old man, so don't remember much global & US history class. And even if I did, I doubt if I would have remembered something as fantastic as the Arquebus!

To your comment of "people want to play with the older units they can, and if people want to play with the new units they can," I doubt I will have a choice if people are coming after my lancers with guns & canons! :-)

Post by Dewarrior » Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:12 am

And as for warfare history classes, this stuff is taught in Global history, and U.S. History.

Post by Dewarrior » Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:07 am

Civilalization is way to modern, while all my segestions took place in the 14 and 1500's, gunpowder was invented by the chinese hundreds of years before that. All of my suggestions are also supposed to allow for more PVP strategy and play style because if people want to play with the older units they can, and if people want to play with the new units they can.

Post by DudeCorp » Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:50 am

pizzaking - Dewarrior is the same guy who suggested the canon. Dude, are you sweet on getting some gun-powder pow pow action in the game, or what? Personally, I like it the way it is and don't need more weapons. If you want to advance from sharp, pointy metal sticks to things that make bangs & booms, you can play Civilization!

Are you taking some history of warfare class?

But...again, like someone said in your canon post...good suggestions on how much it costs, train, units, movement, etc. Not sure how canons and firearms can be built with more wood than iron, though!

Post by Dewarrior » Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:51 pm

My intent isn't to turn valor into a spanish conquest just to bring content from the mid-middle ages to late-middle ages which allows for more strategy for PVP.
