KSD for supporting!

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Post by MechaStorm » Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:59 pm

it really depends on how your playing style is. i think that just because you have a high ksa doesnt necessarily mean that you are super strong and all that. you could just have a high ksa because you are continually trying to attack a city but you cant hit it with enough troops to kill it.(not saying any of you are like that)
but also ksd could also mean you are being hit on pretty hard. but it could also mean that you are an experienced player who can hold your own against other people. as i said. it really all depends on your style of war.

Post by LordFirefall » Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:12 pm

It is A tactic. It's one that allows your enemy to set the pace of the operation. I prefer to set the pace of the operation, so I prefer offense. It's also one that will fail against someone who uses sound tactical planning (such as not over extending yourself so much that you leave cities defenseless in order to mount an attack).

Post by Pidge » Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:54 pm

Defence is the best form of attack! My KSD is four times my KSA, and I'm taking cities daily.

Take a city near your target, build your walls to 25, ram it with defensive troops, poke the bear (send enough attack wave to make them angry), let their troops die on your walls, send your scholars into their empty cities.

That's tactics for you, boys. Don't knock the KSD!

Post by bananabandana » Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:43 pm

I believe support is a valiant effort which will always bring the invaluable gratitude of the guild mate who received it from you.

But for all you stat-hungry killers out there like me, something like a KSS (Kill Score as Support) would be pretty cool.

Post by Bl1ndFury » Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:55 pm

Actually, Valor has an age restriction of 14 years old. It's in the legal blah blah blah. And KSA is where its at!? Any idiot can get ksa (no offense Ghost, wasn't calling you an idiot). All you have to do to get KSA is push the attack button. Its like aiming a gun at the ground and bragging cause you hit dirt. KSD is a tell for how good a player really is, especially if they still have cities :) Defending is an art that is all too often forgotten in Valor these days. Its what makes or breaks a good team, and sadly its trumped by players that did nothing but build and then run when they come under fire. At least KSA shows that a player is active. KSD doesn't even do that. Throw us a bone here playmesh, fix the KSD please.

Post by Jothemaster » Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:03 am

For Arouras flipping KSD quests. And we need to watch our language ghost, this game is recommended for ages 12 and up ( I'm not 12, but my 6 year old son plays this game when I leave my iPad at home.

Post by TheGhost » Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:29 am

Who the hell wants KSD that just shows that you're getting pounded on KSA is where it's at people!

Post by Asplundh » Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:23 pm

Yeah, but in real life, you don't get points for getting your own people killed. A courts martial, maybe.

Post by Karkarn » Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:54 pm

I agree, KSD as it is now, is not accurate representation of how many troops you have killed defending with out putting support troops in the equation

Post by Bl1ndFury » Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:49 pm

Something is better than nothing. I would be happy with a percentage. It's still resources being lost.
