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Topic review

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Post by Unforgiving28 » Thu Oct 24, 2013 2:26 pm

I also use kindle to play and don't have smartphone an think it should be responsibility of game to have a real time in game way communicate instead of making players rely on an out of game app not available to all players

Post by MyName999 » Thu Mar 21, 2013 6:18 am

stretchjmr wrote:there are methods which a company can use your number to make a phone call and have a charge to your bill. Aside from that why would you want to risk any of your private information?

Beware, big brother is watching U

Post by LordFirefall » Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:45 pm

Great suggestion. I ended up using my wife's cell number when I registered a second device, but would have rather done that.

Post by Pauld2468 » Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:31 pm

You can also start with the free app called "text now" which will give you a free number. Then you open kakao and place that number into it. When kakao im's you, you then verify the number in text now and your done

Its been a while since i did this so the instructions may be a little off but thats the basics on how to not have to use your real telephone number or on an ipad that does not have a phone

Post by LordFirefall » Wed Mar 20, 2013 1:49 pm

stretchjmr wrote:there are methods which a company can use your number to make a phone call and have a charge to your bill. Aside from that why would you want to risk any of your private information?

Because its the primary means almost every successful guild uses for communication. As far as private info, if you gave a real name, that's on you. I use my game name. As far as the phone number, anyone I call has the same info I've given them, and there is always the potential to have your phone hijacked. I've not see anything where Kakao has had that happen, have you?

Post by stretchjmr » Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:15 am

there are methods which a company can use your number to make a phone call and have a charge to your bill. Aside from that why would you want to risk any of your private information?

Post by MyName999 » Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:44 am

stretchjmr wrote:Kakao may be better, but it's not worth IT!!! When you agree to the terms for Kakao, you ALLOW THEM to TAKE ALL your information from your phone and use it at their leisure. You also take a risk in having them use your number to make calls from, so you may end up with a higher bill than you should have!

Lol if knowing a phone number enable someone else to make calls from, the WHOLE system is at his apocalypse...

Post by LordFirefall » Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:11 am

stretchjmr wrote:Kakao may be better, but it's not worth IT!!! When you agree to the terms for Kakao, you ALLOW THEM to TAKE ALL your information from your phone and use it at their leisure. You also take a risk in having them use your number to make calls from, so you may end up with a higher bill than you should have!

I've been using Kakao for over a year and have never had an issue.

Post by stretchjmr » Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:06 am

Kakao may be better, but it's not worth IT!!! When you agree to the terms for Kakao, you ALLOW THEM to TAKE ALL your information from your phone and use it at their leisure. You also take a risk in having them use your number to make calls from, so you may end up with a higher bill than you should have!

Post by Sirboland » Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:45 am

Kakao is better than in game chat,, Its needed in most guilds, IF you cant get it then if you have a smartphone just use that for kakao..
