Old World Game Type

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Post by LordFirefall » Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:02 pm

Read up. This is what PwnLaw said earlier on the subject:

"Spinning up a separate game type of legacy worlds solely for veteran players would be very time and cost intensive."

Post by RockNRoll » Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:08 pm

Why not release a classic style world every 10 or 20 worlds? Seems like a simple way to appeal to older players and newer players alike, all while keeping up your revenue (since gold is spent in classic worlds as well). I think the real reason for TbS was because you ran out of names for classic worlds lol

Post by KingJames11 » Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:38 pm

I agree with most of what has been said here. I have been in several new worlds and am planning to go into another one soon but I feel like the basic strategy of valor has been lost out. Using pwnlaws analogy some people actually like mail chess better than bullet chess. If your concerned about new players not liking the Legacy worlds and thus not liking valor, make it so you have to have been in 1 or 2 new style worlds before you see that there are legacy world types or simply funnel the new people into 5k new worlds (which you are already doing I might add). Other than that I can say that I like what you've done I just want to be able to plan for months and see a massive take over happen instead of putting together a haphazard plan and hoping it works because I only have a day or two before I might be taken out. I do agree that there is a sort of adrenaline rush in that kind of play style... I just prefer the old ways better and I might actually switch over to android so I can get the old valor back.

Post by Hiitsmeeeeeee » Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:39 pm

I agree, from my experience and from what I have heard, the true war only last up to a week. After that one side obviously is stronger and the other side is mostly destroyed. The wars are way too short for me to actually enjoy. Don't get me wrong, I like the wars, but it's nothing compared to the old ones. They are over too quickly and they don't feel as in-depth or "even" as before. By the even I mean a single guild could withstand the power of another, much stronger, guild by sending support and using the right tactics. Now it's more who has a bigger army and is the most aggressive.

Post by McMorris » Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:07 pm

Absolutely Arrigo. With the new worlds the smaller size gets in the way of a truly epic war to break out. The size and magnitude that made Valor stand out has been lost I think in the new worlds.

Post by Arrigo » Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:01 am

I agree. I am fighting for my life in one if the old worlds because I do not want to lose the valor that I love. I have played the old worlds and the new and I prefer the old. This is not to say that the new are bad, simply not appealing to me. My guild recently went from being the most dominant to one fighting for its life. Things can change and completely alter the course of such a long world. Add to the anticipation and novelty when two behemoth sized guilds from opposite ends of the world slowly advance toward each other to finally collide and exchange blows. There is a sense of variety and possibility I'm the old worlds that is absent in the new ones for me.

Post by Karl302 » Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:15 pm

I play W36 my only world. I'd like to see some new players in this world there are plenty of 30k+ city's for new players to take over and start a empire plus braving out nonactive players would leave even more city's up for grabs. Just a thought

Post by Leroyingo » Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:20 pm

My biggest suggestion for OLD worlds (pre 100) to get them moving and towards an end would be to get rid of all barbarian cities left on the maps and if a player barbs, make it like the new worlds and make their cities disappear. Too many of these 'old world have people just capping inactives or barb cities which were once player cities. Getting rid of all spare cities would more likely make people attack each other rather than doing clean ups. And if they do make some new big worlds again I would propose a 6 month limit on barb cities to limit the size of people before being forced to attack each other. My 2 cents on the old world game type.

Post by Jonflybynight » Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:15 pm

I would just like to see the option if being able to choose the old legacy worlds again instead of being stuck with the new standard worlds.

Post by McMorris » Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:25 pm

How about this PwnLaw:

One new old style world a year. Have it come out on the anniversary of Valor. And it only stays up until the next year when a new one is started. I know in the old worlds battles drag out over a long period of time so this could work I think. Call it a Valor legacy world or something along those lines. Maybe have certain requirements for deciding which players can get into it. I can understand how the game will not remain the same forever. So make it something exclusive like what you have done with the creation of the Tournament of Champions. As for the money aspect I'm sure Playmesh/Quark Games can handle running one old style world a year. I hope you consider this.

