Need a way to keep game interesting

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Expand view Topic review: Need a way to keep game interesting

Post by Valorgamer » Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:27 am

You what ? Way too complicated

Capital city would be 4 or five cities next to each other in whatever way side by side, diagonal as long as they are touching. Once each of those gets to 40k you have the option to turn into a capital,

Doing so would cost 1mil of each resource (200 - 250 per city) and would remove the 4 or 5 city icons and replace with a much larger would combine all the previous cities resource limits and pop cap, would have a radius of 10x10 within which any owned city traded faster with each other, resources are gathered faster, troops are trained faster, buildings built faster.

Captal cities are almost impenetrable and this would be reflected in the ability to build a lvl 30 wall

Post by Tooltip » Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:28 pm

Regarding capital cities, for some added strategy. 1) The tighter the cluster, the better the capital city. 2) Capital cities should auto distribute resouces once the warehouse is full. 3) Capital hall building to manage all other city halls 4) State of emergency button rallies a set percentage of troops to the capital. 5) In a tight cluster, only small squads can attack the capital city, but have a chance of stealing technology if any return alive, or damaging a building if the capital was completely troop less, or boosting the attackers morale. Large armies must clear a path before attacking the capital. 6) Scouts take longer and die easier, but also come back with info such as the richest city, the most guarded, and the least guarded. 7) Merchants automically accept the offers at above a selected ratio. 8) Guild halls can only be built in capital cities. 9) Capital cities have the ability to middle man trades, decreasing the total round trip times beteen allies of A~C~B. 10) Lowering the building levels of the Capital city makes it lose it's status as a capital city. 11) Chaos is per attacking guild, which allows other guilds to sent attacks till they also reach chaos, and so on. 12) A Coalition button allows previously non-allied guilds to recruit other guilds for a massive coalition assault, blitzing a path towards the capital until all coalition forces are defeated.

Post by Valorgamer » Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:49 pm

I'd like to see pop cap increase, it would be great to be able to train 100k plus troops in each city ! Or at least be able to pool army forces together having each city training troops to recruit into your army not just for that city. You can then split it however you see fit.

You would still need to train defence and attack forces it would also still take time to move between cities so it would take careful consideration where you place them.

We all send our troops in timed attacks so that they hit roughly together so why not have them meet in one location before launching an attack ? It would be more realistic this way and also keep more people playing and for longer as most can't always be around at the specific time they need to launch each wave but moving their troops in advance would cut down the number of waves

Another suggestion would be trade routes,
When you trade with a particular city 5-10 times you can set it as a trade route allowing faster trades, there would be a maximum number of trade routes each city can have, trading between cities you own should be quicker or similar to the troop idea above pool resources you own, each city increase your limit to both so it would still be vital to defend them.

Post by Gummiebear51 » Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:40 pm

These are excellent ideas and wish they come into effect some point soon!

Post by OckhamsRazor » Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:33 am

Phoenix nailed a lot of stuff. I think you should reward your players - that will keep any that are on the fence about quitting for a bit longer. But reward them based on what? Activity, longevity? Dunno, but do something to hold your current base.

Be very careful about what you charge for and what should in all fairness be a part of the game. You should never have to spend gold to make the game a game and not a job.

Fix the battle algorithms, please, because it's destroying the intended usefulness of certain units. Maybe I should explain my thought there with 2 different reports from the simulator.

Sent: 20 Zerks [color="#FF0000"]Lost 5[/color]
Attacked: 10 Lancers, 5 Zerks - all died

Sent: 10,000 Zerks [color="#FF0000"]Lost 5[/color]
Attacked: 10 lancers, 5 zerks - all died

Really? Ok, so here's why that really messes things up. Using high dollar units now becomes a calculation of guaranteed resource loss instead of a tactical choice. It should be easy for 10,000 to kill 15 - I don't care if they just gnaw the walls down with their teeth. :D

It's been said a thousand times, most likely. Some sort of player driven market. dream? How about making this a mac app? :D

Edit: I love this game - these aren't complaints, just my typical ramblings :)

Post by Nutterboy » Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:41 am

Really like the ideas, I think a whole region is too big to command. But I really like the main city idea. What if these main cities have an area of influence visible only to the player. This area would bolster the effectiveness of the cities. This area could be upgraded for large resources so it would encourage cluster growth and make it harder to break into a new area which could be an issue. Depends what style play the devs want to create. Might be worth experimenting.

Post by Marti92 » Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:25 pm

The idea if a Capitol city sound great! And as for the micro management, maybe when you form capitol cities every city you own right there can be managed from the Capitol city, it is suppose to be the main hub after all. Like in other posts in the idea section, maybe you can set cities to but certain things at a certain resource limit that way micro managing won't be a game ended for the bigger players. And when I said the cities in the area I'm not talkin about the entire world just for like r24 or something like that. When I talk about the automatic purchase, if I want to set a city to buy 600 guardians when it has twice the amount of resources or if I just want it to do the same thing when it reaches that amount. You can do it for buildings and scholarships and scholars. It makes a capitol city worth having and makes it worth defending and taking it out!

Post by Jeheil » Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:20 pm

Micro management kills it.

I have 185 cities....its almost a job to tend to them.

As Ive said on another post. Number 1 way to give it longevity is to let me kill a city....return it to barb state (to prevent a world being emptied).

I think each time a city 'caps' another it should get a Veteran status, which perhaps increase the speed of troop making. This could grow to say 3 stars or some such.

The thing that keeps all MMO's going is the social guild community, support it with guild achievements etc.

Post by Macewindow54 » Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:43 pm

The barbs deflnety should attack

Post by Orlor » Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:42 am

Some very interesting suggestions in there. I like the capital city/original city one which I think could add some more strategy against people with a lot of cities. I will bring this up internally so we can discuss it some more.

Please keep up the forum posts with the great ideas!
