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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Artwork

Post by Grimroth » Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:44 am

True that we are talking about a drawing, but the statement goes both ways: if she is only a cartoon, why was it changed at all?

There is a bit more to it than that. Advertisement, morals, preferences, all have been hinted at in previous posts.

So, your vote is against and you have been pleased. But constructively, you missed a proposal on how to make it better for the rest.

And, with no disrespect meant, here is a piece of unsolicited advice. If you are hanging around your girl, and even if she is into games, never ever play any video games in front of her. You should be focusing on complimenting her and paying every last bit of attention to her. If you don't, that kind of behaviour will eventually come back and bite you.

Post by Rekasand » Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:55 am

Just my opinion I don't see what the problem is... She is a cartoon guys lol, I dont to be on valor around my mates and in public, have someone look at my phone an think Im looking at cartoon **** or playing them sort if games... I like the bit of extra clothing, and I think if my girlfriend saw her on the screen I would prefer that bit of extra clothing

Post by Orlor » Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:11 pm

Thank you Grimroth.

It is posts like those that start the process of change for a game.

While I of course can't guarantee anything, the more posts I see like this the more I can show the design team what our customers want.

Post by Grimroth » Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:20 pm


Constructive on Orlor's request, but restating that I like the previous Aurora art better.

Although the artist did a great job, having dabbled in drawing myself, the flow or fall of the dress looks odd, forced or too symmetrical. Can't quite nail it, but I believe it is the result of mending the portrait.

If a new, winter, fall, summer, spring or whatever set of clothes is desired, I believe they should be designed/drawn completely from scratch. Your artist will be busy throughout the year and not only stare at the guys who actually make the game work.

(You could create a calendar and sell it for gold, not a lot, I BEG you)

Also, consistency would be desirable and straightforward. If Aurora is to be covered up for the sake of some, then her advertisements (seen by many more people, including children) should adhere to the same rule. I bet there are going to be a lot of disappointed players that will not see the Aurora lying completely without any clothing covered by strategically placed piles of coins picture in the game. If you do not advertise it like that, then you don't create the expectation.

It is an entertaining game, but it is all numbers, math. Art in the form of Aurora is really the eye pleasing aspect of it. And art should not be modified to please all, it comes as a physical representation of the autors ideas. ***ody should modify one's ideas.

Sorry, Orlor, may have gone overly poetic on the last paragraph. You probably can tell how bad I want the old pic back. :)

Ps: Sbnamir is funny on the other thread.

Post by Killerkoffe » Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:20 pm

Like a child safety that u can set a pass code? It would be cool if it was a tree and clay and iron symbols that made up the pass code. I really miss the old artwork.

Post by Subjugglator » Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:27 pm

I really like jo's idea. It would be a great compromise between the people who like the old Aurora and the people who don't.

Post by jo999666 » Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:30 am

The old Aurora was a lot better. The exemple of Grimroth with the favorite dish is exactly what I think.
This was disapointing because she is a part of the game.

And like Subjugglator said, it was her picture and the rest of the art that made this game really stand out in the App Store. I don't think I would have ever started playing if it wasn't for her.

And if you want to think about the people who doesnt like the old Aurora, maybe there should be an option to change her in the setting or an optional update?

Post by DanielJ » Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:48 am

I think many would like the old Aurora back, even me but we must also think about the people who doesnt want that.

Post by Subjugglator » Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:43 pm

In my humble opinion, i think the old Aurora was better.
For me, it was her picture and the rest of the art that made this game really stand out in the App Store. I don't think i would've ever started playing if it wasn't for her.

Post by Orlor » Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:20 pm

I do want your feedback (constructively) about Aurora's new look. Please let me know what you think!
