Building suggestion

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Building suggestion

Post by Stark Bledfast » Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:15 am

Brainstorming is a much better platform for ideas. It takes less developer time for something that may, ultimately, be deemed not implementable. Besides, it doesn't take a lot of work coming up with the effects an idea would have on game play. I came up with 2 just from reading your suggestion.

Post by AmitBit » Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:36 am

They can make world 51 as a test world and check things out

Post by Stark Bledfast » Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:01 am

Yes, I understand that. What I have not decided is how this will affect the other facets of the game.

When you boost something's effectiveness, it will generally have a ripple effect. The goal is to accurately predict those ripples and to then decide whether they make the original idea implementable or not.

Post by AmitBit » Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:33 am

The point is to let the city hall build sumultanieously every 10 levels mean in level 30 you will be able to build 4 different buildings on the same time so if you decreases the cuty hall level he wont be able to do so and when you coquer it you wont be able to do so until you will reupgrade it to it levels

Post by Stark Bledfast » Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:53 pm

Correct. Which is a different suggestion than what you posted.

Instead of trying to couch it in false terms... ie., "It should do what I want otherwise there is no purpose to upgrading it" you ought instead just lay out your suggestion. We've pointed out that upgrading the City Hall has 2 very real, and very advantageous purposes for upgrading: to build other buildings and to decrease the time to build other buildings.

You want it to be able to build multiple buildings simultaneously instead of buildings be queued up for production. That's fine for a suggestion, no need to add hyperbole that isn't true to get your point across.

Personally, I don't really care one way or the other. Allowing simultaneous builds on different types of buildings would speed up the process of upgrading one's city. However, speeding up this process would have greater impacts that likely would need to be considered. Ie., you conquer a city... you can now rebuild it many times quicker and have it available for attack or defensive purposes. Or, you attack an enemy's city with ballistas and rams, destroying his wall and a vital building (say his warehouse). Being able to do simultaneous builds means that his recovery time is much quicker (and thereby your attacks are made weaker since the effects are reduced).

Post by AmitBit » Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:35 am

But it does not build 2 things simultanty it needs the first building to finish to start the 2nd...

Post by Tooltip » Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:27 pm

City Hall also decreases the build times of all other buildings.

Post by Valorgamer » Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:02 pm

We read every comment we may not comment on every single one but we read them ! as stark said this already happens

Post by Stark Bledfast » Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:31 am

The purpose of upgrading the City Hall is to be able to build other buildings. For example, without a level 25 City Hall you can not build the Academy.

The forge unlocks unit research. The various barrack buildings allow faster training times (and unlocks units). Higher resource buildings make for faster production. Etc.

In short, the game already does this...

Post by ramorocks » Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:12 pm

I like this idea
