"Give/Transfer City Ownership" function within guilds only.

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Expand view Topic review: "Give/Transfer City Ownership" function within guilds only.

Post by Mathijsvand » Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:02 pm

You would be able to give 5 cities in the WHOLE game

Post by Ameerah » Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:57 pm

About scolars; when recieving a City, the academy should reset towards the current players progress.

Post by Ameerah » Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:51 pm

I didnt read All posts, so sorry if im repeating an idea thats already there! but to prévent people giving cities in large numbers, It would be wise to let allow someone giving their City, with the cost of abandoning the World ! This feature however, should only be available after 2 weeks, so that people cannot just transfer cities from beginning of the game. !

Another important feature would be to limit it to ones main city, so that a person with multiple cities dont give a large amount of cities to one player. Rest would turn into barb cities, since those are important in the game aswell.


Post by Mathijsvand » Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:08 pm

The recipient is NOT obliged to take the city, he is only asked. If he does not want the city, he can still choose to not accept the city. At least that's what I understood from this whole thread.

Post by Kaleel » Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:53 am

It would be painful mostly because the recipient doesn't have any say in the matter. By randomly making the player an automatic recipient of a city transfership, you've taken away the recipient's ability to decide how to use their scholars AND may have caused the recipient to incur a scholarship debt. You've put the recipient in a possibly unfavorable position because it might cause them to alter their plans and change the focus of their source allocation (e.g., instead of building structures or recruiting troops, now they have to buy scholarships and re-educate scholars to make up the ones which were involuntarily used). They've been made to incur a cost of a transaction in which they've had no say. That's a pretty big deal.

At the very least, my proposed method allows the recipient a chance to review their options and the opportunity to deny the offer.


Post by Vasasalo » Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:57 am

Why would it be painful if you have a brand new shiny city for free?
Usually the people that quit have been playing the longest. So the ones that a scholarship debt would affect the most would have a brand new city to take up their time until enough resources are made to make up for the debt.
Besides the debt would be felt the worst by the highest player with the most towns and resources.
For example if I had 2 cities and got 1 town because someone left I would owe 3 scholarships or one scholar.
If I had the 83 I have right now and got 1, I would still just owe one scholar or 84 scholarships (each town will give me 12 scholarships every other day) so only 8 of those 83 towns resources would go towards replenishing the debt if one is incurred. Leaving 75 untouched city resources, so I really don't see where this would be horrible for anyone.

Post by Mathijsvand » Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:47 am

@vasasalo: if you go into the negatives with your population, you can't build more units. But with your proposal you can have up to 15 scholarship debts, which to me sounds painful to get back.

Post by Kaleel » Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:43 pm

@Vasalo: A few more questions regarding the scholarship debt and use of scholars.

A city with full resources will net you 12 scholarships. So honestly this debt won't affect anyone too much. I've got 77 cities, that can crank out 924 scholarships roughly every other day or so...

Ah, but per your proposal, the strongest city goes to the weakest player in the guild. If the weakest player doesn't have 77 cities like you with max resource production, then the scholarship debt they incur is a very big problem for them and might cripple their ability to play.

As for an intact city, since it's 'free' reduce every building in there to lvl 20. If it has an academy demolish it. Kill the scholars. [...] Instead of reducing to 20, reduce everything by 10.

What happens to to structures that are already less then 10 levels? Will they get reduced to Lvl 1 or will they be removed entirely? (e.g., will a Lvl 9 Market be reduced to a Lvl 1 Market or will it be destroyed entirely)? Also, what happens to the armies in that city? If they remain intact and the Farm is reduced by 10 levels, are we purposely incurring population overages?

Also, you still haven't addressed the issue I raised earlier of this transfer being a one-side process, in that the giver has total control of initiating this process and the recipients apparently have no say in it. What about the guild members who don't want to receive cities from the exiting player because they want to reserve their scholars for other usages?

@ Mathijsvand:I agree with your stance on the scholarship debt issue. You should NOT be allowed to either conquer a city or accept a city transfership unless you have the necessary amount of unallocated scholars. Even having available scholarships in the bank is not enough; you must recruit scholars. The game will not let you automatically conquer a city if you have 20x free scholarships but no scholars, so the city transfership function should abide by the same rules.


Post by Vasasalo » Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:13 pm

that's cool, but it's really no differant then being able to go in the negative when your farm gets pwned by ballistas.

Post by Mathijsvand » Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:07 am

I personnaly think that scholar debt is not a good idea. If you have no scholars, you can't get cities. It makes more sense to me. No scholars = no conquering, so why would you be able to receive cities, without scholars. You have to think about scholars, like they are mayors. If you have no mayor, ***ody will follow the right orders. It's just my personnal opinion though, but I think scholar debt makes no sense at all.
