Augmented and improved Guild communication / Other ideas

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Augmented and improved Guild communication / Other ideas

Post by Wrecking » Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:41 pm

Yea. I posted a thread named "Chat bar" which has the same idea as this.

Post by AKhotline » Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:23 pm

I Agree with you, they are excellent ideas. I would like to hear something from the admins/mangers.

Augmented and improved Guild communication / Other ideas

Post by Eldorren » Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:53 pm

1) Currently, if you want to communicate with your guild, you are forced to do this through the forum. As far as I can tell, there is no push notification for a new post in the forum. With coordinated guild strikes, timing and communication are key features that are missing. A guild can certainly just use their forum to pass around emails to each other and create an email list, but it might be a nice feature to add the ability (within settings) to receive additional alert notifications via email. Perhaps even to push forum posts to guild members emails. This would especially make more sense if some of us are playing primarily on an iPad which we are less likely to be carrying around with us but would like to be notified of guild events.

2) Currently, the only way to know immediately that a current guild member is being attacked, is if you have placed a single supporting troop in their city and can alert you when they are attacked. With ever growing guilds, it is difficult to keep up, and not easy to find out through the UI whether you have a troop in each guild members' city. It would be nice to just be automatically alerted when a guild member is attacked. This goes into the communications improvement. This will undoubtedly become a very GvG oriented game as players progress.

3) Another idea... being able to give your guild (or guild leader, generals, etc..) the ability to see each guild members building levels and forces. These are constantly dynamic changing numbers. It's difficult to make a post in the guild asking for city and army stats and have everyone respond in a timely manner, then use that information to coordinate a strike, utilizing the appropriate members' resources. Also, the ability for guild leaders to give say... generals the ability to see guild members information (an option that could be made allowable by each member, or just a built in feature) would add the dynamic quality of subterfuge, such as guilds seeking to "steal" high ranking members of other guilds who are valuable in their own right by the size of their resources, difficult to "steal" away since hopefully they got that status by showing dedication and loyalty to their guild, but if able to be pulled off would make for a powerful ally who could provide the needed details about their departed guild's resources and strategies.

This might make for some complaints, but a world domination game should have cunning and devious elements such as these as potential weapons during diplomacy.
