Chaos Garbage

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Post by Alexpelavas » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:17 pm

ya a minimum would suck. besides the game is all about being hard i would have less incentive to even go one every day if you did fake minimum probably not even play w38 like planning. i mean 17 and other worlds are already boring. thinks like chaos are sketch but still you can do it to so why whine it makes the game harder which is great i hate easy games. i say leave it and add some other things that make it more difficult i mean this is a strategy game, not some lame game that is simple minded and easy and some things that seem annoying or hard need to stay because they add to the strategy aspect of the game, they make one more variable to the whole equation

Post by Criossli » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:51 am

The problem with having a minimum is, how can the game determine a fake from a real attack; in addition, having a minimum would mean that players couldn't complete some of the early quests, or start farming nearly as soon.

A better way to address the problem is to look at why players are using chaos. From my experience, albeit limited experience, chaos is something coalitions of guilds use to help each other. Perhaps allowing allied guilds to support each other might reduce the need to use chaos.

Coordination would still be required on the part of defenders, as they are limited to the number of supports a city can receive. Also, if allied guilds can provide support to each other, the guild under attack can focus on taking the fight to the enemy, while confident that their home cities are safe. On the flipside this could open up the possibility of double-crosses within coalitions, adding more depth to diplomacy.

Post by Mr. O » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:37 pm

Montressors wrote:Want a perfect solution??

Fake minimums. Where every fake has to have a minimum amount of troops (Example 100 population). This way spam is greatly reduced and the Chaos tool works the way it was designed.

Well, that seems like an awesome suggestion...

Post by Alexpelavas » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:59 pm

i like it. i mean in theory you can just move your target since chaos is 40 attacks while a city can only send 25 also it'd be funny seeing a guild chaos a lot and having their cities maxed at 25 attacks sent out not being able to push to offense. besides if you take chaos off than guilds will just attack the heck out of players slowing down their game trying to find the real cities being attacked. personally if other guilds are doing it why don't you. its only fair. i use it a lot. i was rank 1 player and like 400+ attacks or so. ended up getting rank 1 ksd and only lost 1 city which i retrieved shortly after. so it helps a lot.

and of course the 25 support would be lower it'd be crazy hard to take out a city that can get 40 support this only makes it more challenging. most people suggesting these things are suggesting things to make it easier, but after awhile you'll wish that it was like how it is now because it can get boring fast.

Post by Montressors » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:52 pm

Want a perfect solution??

Fake minimums. Where every fake has to have a minimum amount of troops (Example 100 population). This way spam is greatly reduced and the Chaos tool works the way it was designed.

Post by ScArZ » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:43 pm

Telen has a good point. Yiu can send 40 attack waves but only 25 support waves. That's unbalance.

Post by Enkel » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:17 pm

Chaos is just another tool for players to use.

Post by Conan94 » Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:55 pm

Chaos should stay but be shifted with the points of that city or the troops that you send with a scholar should stay at the city you conquer cuz that's what I usually hav to do to keep a city is put it under chaos fo a while.

Post by Telen » Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:29 pm

I think it's a great tool for guilds to use, but I can see we're some don't like it. Yes it needs tweaking but,
The good point, it brings people to the forums to communicate with each other. It's a lot of work to get Chaos put in place, the guild is working together with a sense of urgency and purpose.,if they fail then they all failed as a group
Another good point when a player has a real life problem that has to be addressed, the guild works together to help that person, to me it make the game a chalange to help a person save there city. The bad side of course are the points the other posters have pointed out. I'm just stating another way to look at it. Not trying to debate with others. At the same time you have a guild or person attacking one city with 15 to 20 attacks waves coming your way the other players who want to help can't can they? Well i guess they could if they get support to you in time? I don't know the game that well to know how you would stop such a large attack on one city. Just how I see it I don't have feelings one way or another just from what I have seen.

Post by Orlor » Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:19 pm

Just to piggyback on what DanielJ said, we do listen every time we get a support ticket or post regarding the Chaos on the Battlefield feature. It is currently being looked at by the design team to see what can be done with some guilds using it in a way not intended. As soon as a solution is reached these forums will be the first place where we let you know!
