Game wont connect

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Postby Ulquiorra27 » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:35 pm

I'm sick of these bugs and cuts permanent! My city was the main target of several attacks and I can not do anything, I guess the attacks will not stop either. If I lose my town I delete the game! I think when you pay to accelerate construction, it is time to offer compensation to the players!!

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Postby j1derly » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:38 pm

Jagaer wrote:We need a way to get in touch with you guys quicker

Ditto. It sucks when a server goes down, the very least that can happen is a realtime update saying that issues are being worked on, rather then have us wondering if its just us or across the board. (Twitter, facebook, website home page, forum announcement or marquee... Need a plugin for vb? I'm sure I could find you one ;)

As for the others here... whining about it isn't going to make it happen any faster. Welcome to the technical world of the internet. Things break, and people spend countless hours trying to fix them. Thank the playmesh staff for spending time to solve the issue.
wat? no BB code allowed... Meh. This will have to do, then...



Postby Orlor » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:41 pm

Quick update: Our server provider had some power issues and some of our worlds stopped working correctly.

Once that situation is resolved our server team will get all of the worlds up as soon as they can.

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Valor Bug

Postby TIRP » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:41 pm

Valor has stopped working for over an hour now. I know it's not just me because I conversed with other valor players in kakao. I'm very disappointed in you playmesh.

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Postby DarthInsidious » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:44 pm

IVe played this game for years and from the looks of it. This isn't going to be fixed anytime soon. Every game has periodic downtimes for servers.

But the problem for YEARS with valor is that it is unannounced. And with the way the game is, carefully timed assaults and time sensitive structure. This has made so many people rage quit the game. It's playmeshs loss. Hopefullyl they wise up and actually announce it next time(s)

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Postby larlis » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:48 pm

Hey hey people... There is some issues, they are working on it... These things happens. Not much to do abt it.

With that said, yes, players losing out because of server issues or planned updates (not properly communicated to the players) should get some reimbursement I think... This Is something playmesh should look into.
Im gonna lose 4 scholars as I can't get in and send the clearings as planned. I haven't paid real money tho so its only gonna set me back game wise.

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Postby Lord1randy » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:54 pm

This happens all the time. I was trying to support guild mates and send counter attacks, but I can't connect. I'm fed up with this crap.
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Can not connect!!

Postby » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:56 pm

Must summon the power of Internet.... What hell is going on with Valor!!! It's been going down hill lately.... I have spent hundreds of dollars and this is what I paid for. This is not right.. If valor does not reimburse me. I'll make sure my credit company does hears about this.

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Postby gemini0019 » Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:00 pm

All the loyalty has returned on the city I was capping. Haven't been able to get into w66 for a while now. W18 is working fine. No issues. And when are the crashing bugs going to get worked out yet again? I'm always afraid to install the new updates because they are a crap shoot, some are good and some are bad!! Why do the same problems keep
Reoccurring ? Crash after crash after crash. Everytime I switch cities I pray that I won't get booted. Or I open the app after it has crashed and it immediately crashes again!! Can't get anything done. And if you know the sever is down, instead of the "you must summon...." why not say the sever is down and you are working on it. Just a thought. Now I'm gonna go see if I can send a scholar or if I still need to hone my summoning skills.

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Postby Raubolt » Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:16 pm

Can't get in says maintenance we will be back soon. It has been 2 hours now get your stuff together Valor!

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