Latest update sux

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Latest update sux

Postby Kingjason666 » Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:07 am

The latest update has some great features. But it has made the game unusable. Now every time I and my guildmates exit valor to answer a phonecall or do anything with the phone and go back into valor. All city must be reloaded 1 by 1. With the gold v in middle of screen. This is hopeless I have 453 city's in w14 it takes 6 hours to scroll them.

Now valor had this problem until about 10-15 updated ago but you fixed to to where city's where like cache memoried into our logins. That was brilliant. But this new update is worst ever.

Can you fix it urgent. Or how do I UN update valor and go back 1 update to where it worked.

Love the game but this kills it

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