VT Clock in game seems to be off...

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Yukon Don
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Joined: Wed May 14, 2014 2:54 pm

VT Clock in game seems to be off...

Postby Yukon Don » Wed May 14, 2014 3:24 pm

I'm assuming travel time is calculated correctly, and trying to synchronize my attacks, but I'm not missing by a few seconds like I see others complaining about, there seems to be a 6-7 minute gap between the VT clock displayed, and the travel time + arrival time. I could deal with this if it was consistent...but it isn't. See the linked screenshots.




I tried resetting the clock on my IPAD but it didn't fix the issue. This isn't a few seconds off like others have noted, but rather minutes...the issue may not be on the game side, but I'd love help figuring out how to fix it.

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Postby MyName999 » Thu May 15, 2014 5:27 am

This issue is old and has no way to be solved...

Just some facts:

- if you refresh the screen (by pulling down the screen in any building), the clock's time is corrected (maybe if you never refresh the clock goes wrong and wronger...)

- it's the hit time that is changing, during an attack (launch an attack, look at hit time, look at it late and then before it hit: always changing); even worst, do the calc during a single attack, and you'll see that shown hour+traval time is different than shown hit time...

- initially shown travel time is nearly always right; initially shown travel time BEFORE confirming the attack is ALWAYS right

- calculating tools are efficient, as long you use Valor's clock to do it and your calculation (you can't give Valor's shown hit time during a siege to your buddies in order them to help you as it goes wrong during travels...). So if you calculate travel time, send at a certain hour, calculated travel time + starting hour = landing hour is ALWAYS right...

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Postby ThatValorPlayer » Thu May 15, 2014 7:40 am

Looks like a clock sync issue.
Try to get in the habit of refreshing around 30 sec (less is better, but if you cut it too fine you may lag and miss your launch time) before confirming the attack.

To refresh, simply drag down the screen until you see 'release to refresh' then release.

Another tip loosely correlating with this issue, is to send your usual wave and add a single slower unit. (Ram/sentry/lancer) this will give you multiple chances at hitting the desired time since you can cancel and try again with next fastest.

Anyway, good luck, hope it helps, let us know how you go. :)

Edit: and welcome to the forums!
┏( -_-)┛..::LtFarrk::..┗(-_- )┓

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