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Unit duplication bug!!

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:35 am
by figeloal
It has been know for sometime that sometimes units get duplicated, sadly now it seems that some people have found a way of replicating this bug whenever it is possible. A friend of mine has just been hit by a ridiculous amount of troops wiping all his defenses, what is most ridiculous is the attack came from a 6000 point city!
This is something that has to be fixed ASAP!!! or it will ruin the game.
I am not posting screeshot for privacy reasons but i can send it in private to any administrator here.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:34 am
by Brendone
If you suspect actual abuse, submit a support ticket ingame so the developers can look up the pertinent information. Without any specifics (I have had a 'ridiculous' army in a 6k city before and I have hit people and wiped all their defense omg he killed 500 lancers in one hit!!!!) its hard to know if what you're describing is a glitch, cheat, or just a difference in player skill.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:13 pm
by figeloal
yeah well the city had a 20K farm and the attack had 11700 zerk and 5000 guardians :) and some other stuff also :) so something just doenst add up there hehe :)
I can hit you up with the report if you wish :) nick is figeloal on kakao :)

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:40 pm
by Brendone
That is definitely not possible, so I would submit a report ingame to the support group. They will get to it eventually.