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City's to slow to up date

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:32 am
by WalBanger

This map updating is far to slow....

Last night I capped a new city and started to build things... Got up to 50 guardians and had run out resources.. So I looked around map and saw 2 squares away a 1k player so I scouted, it had:-
walls 1
No troops
800 each resources..

So I thought I'll attack get the 800 resources and even if I'm unlucky and lose 1 guardian I end up, up.....

So I sent attacks to the same city and then 3 minutes later I get report...
NO resources gathered and 22 DEAD guardians!!!!

It's turned into a barbarian with walls 20 and empty of resources!!

Ohh and I also followed this up with an attack from my main city to take down the 1 wall (for future farming) and lost another 22 guardians, and I only sent enough rams to take wall down to 8, so I had to send another clearing wave....... So I lost 44+ guardians because of a "false" report.... Not much I know, but every bit helps in a war!!

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:35 am
by WalBanger
I'm finding this a lot like enemy will cap and it won't turn red till a few days later when they got support and walls up, to late to counter...

Also in my old world 3 i have scouted people who I know have been inactive for months and then 10 minutes later they all turn into barbs, this should of happened 10months ago or so......