Valor Android missing features as compared to iOs version

If you are playing Valor on Android, this is the place to post.
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Postby Carinthia » Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:21 am

Simulator please

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Postby Ducatist » Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:06 pm

Please give us arrows to scroll through our cities. It takes far too long to scroll through using a list. When trying to attack someone you have to manually input the grid each time as well.

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Postby Darhorse » Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:16 am

I understand that the app may not have all the features of the iOS version
But the massive list of issues is gobsmacking as you can see.
Was it really worth releasing the android version when you did or would it have been worth waiting and building it up to scratch first?
I am recently changing to android with my new phone but looking at this thread I wonder if i will still be able to play valor anymore.
From here it seems like it wasn't fit for release 😞

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Postby Thom1 » Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:07 am

I am new to Valor with my Android based HTC phone, and what I have noticed is I can't send just one scout (I can't scroll down to send the scout when I want to). But the biggest bummer is that I cannot log into the game, I am playing on a 6 hour time difference because of that. I keeps me on western European time and I live in the central US. I have also notice recently that my city has disappeared off of the map! I am able to do a lot of things that you all claim to be missing:blue for the new guild comments, messaging and all that. But those 2 items that are lacking are rotten!

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Postby ikeelyou » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:19 pm

Thom, you've got a couple items that aren't really isses. All time is Valor Time (vt). There are no time zones. You will get used to it--and use it to coordinate with your guildmates. Also, there has been a known issue about the maps. That should be fixed now--mine fixed itself yesterday. I had success refreshing from the map itself or you may have to clear your app cache.

The app works. You can play the game. I agree that the scroll between cities would be nice, especially since I have several now. Barring that, a list longer than 10 entries would certainly help. I think the biggest thing I'm missing is the intel--I have no idea who the key players or guilds are in my region. That makes it pretty tough for me to do diplomacy... My other key feature would be multi-item sends. You can't send 1000 of this or 1000 of that. Makes sending large trades 2x or 3x harder than it has to. But muscle memory is a wonderful thing.


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Postby Blitzkrieg12 » Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:29 pm

For anybody who does not understand the process it takes to correct these errors and bugs, I'm very confident that the Playmesh team will get this squared away as soon as possible. If this is like any other game, they need to identify the errors in the coding and correct it which takes time. It also doesn't help that there are many more versions of Androids unlike IOS which has a standard Iphone, Ipod and Ipad. Be patient and report the bugs that you know and they will be fix as soon as possible. Believe it or not they want us playing the game as badly as we want to play it.

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Postby Greyhigh » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:33 am

Ducatist wrote:Please give us arrows to scroll through our cities. It takes far too long to scroll through using a list. When trying to attack someone you have to manually input the grid each time as well.

PM recently stopped supporting my iPod Touch (2nd Gen), and have put in a ticket to move my account to my Android phone. I am still waiting for this to happen, but have been able to play on the phone under a different account.
Missing the arrows to tab to next city and keep your rally point open is huge. Currently this is the most important feature to me, and hopefully on the top of PM list of things to add to the Android devices.
Can you Orlor, or even PwnLaw, give us an update of what will be coming out on the next Android update? Even a list of where our requests are on the list of things to do would be appreciated. If I can get an update I am willing to name my next born city after you. ;)

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Postby Abismall » Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:58 am

I am also unable to see my wall ( I hopethis doesn't mean that I don't get the bonuses. ) Something you could look in to. IGN Abysmall

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Postby Aethlstan » Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:51 am

The ability to see your wall in city view wasnt added until later IOS versions. I'd expect the same for android

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Postby Abismall » Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:33 am

Not being able to send resources outside market. Surely 14 days has passed?

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