Use of Rams

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Use of Rams

Postby FlibblyDobbly » Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:24 pm

I was just attacked by someone using only 1 ram. Is there a purpose behind that I'm unaware of or was it just a distraction?

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Joined: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:26 pm

Postby MyName999 » Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:19 am

Yep, he sent you rams in order you to ask to yourself what kind of attack was sent, and this during a long time...

Next time, maybe, this alone ram will have plenty other friends? Who knows?


Postby bananabandana » Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:23 pm

FlibblyDobbly wrote:I was just attacked by someone using only 1 ram. Is there a purpose behind that I'm unaware of or was it just a distraction?

The lone ram is a fake. Fakes are used for a number of reasons, but the general concept behind them is to confuse and overwhelm defending players. The typical strategies that fakes try to thwart are dodging and supporting. If players are fully aware of the type of attacks coming at them, they can better decide which attacks to dodge, defend, and call support for. A few specific reasons for sending fakes are below:

-To Hide Scholars: Rams have a slow movement speed like scholars, so sending them at strategic times will mask scholar waves so defending players have a harder time telling which wave to focus their defense on.

-To Hide Nukes: Rams are typically the slowest unit in a nuke and, thus, define the travel time of the nuke. If you send 10 single-ram waves at a city with 1 nuke that includes rams in the middle of them, it will be incredibly difficult for the defending player to know which of the 11 rallies contains an actual threat.

-To Hide the True Target City: Sending fakes to many different cities owned by a player will cause the player to have to prioritize which city to focus their defense on. A successful fake will cause the player to waste valuable defense on a city that isn't even legitimately threatened while losing out on sending that defense to the actual target that contains your nukes/scholars.

In general inexperienced players tend to flip out when any incoming attacks show up on their screen. So, even if they are fake, keeping players on edge with fakes is often a tactic that pays off in the end. Also note that fakes can use almost any type of unit depending on the type of attack you are trying to mask. Hope these examples help you better understand the use of single unit fakes.


Posts: 475
Joined: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:26 pm

Postby MyName999 » Thu Dec 13, 2012 6:12 am

I like my summary ;-p


Postby bananabandana » Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:38 am

Yes, it was definitely much...shorter.

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